To A Student

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Green eyes widened as the hurried voice of Jessica Parker echoed in Michael Clifford's head.

"Ashton's fighting Liam again!" Jessica exclaimed, having rushed to Michael who had been peacefully sitting at a cafeteria table.

Eyes around the cafeteria darted towards the pretty blonde girl who had just shouted at the quiet nerd; some eager to find out where the fresh drama had hatched.

"Hurry up! You gotta come stop it!" She smacked her hands rapidly against Michael's table, frantic.

"Sh-Shoot, okay. Okay." Michael hurriedly slammed his three textbooks closed, stuffing his papers and books into his silver holographic backpack. With quick fingers he zipped the bag up and slung it onto his back, abandoning his half eaten lunch—leftovers from last night's chicken casserole he had cooked—and following Jessica out into the school yard.

"How'd it start?" Michael fumbled to adjust his glasses, pushing them up his nose as he kept a fast pace beside the popular girl.

White shorts, white school shirt, white shoes, Jessica loved standing out and being everyone's centre of attention. She was blonde, pretty, and somewhat smart, but she was also boy addicted and in love with partying every weekend.
At one point she had even tried to get into Michael's pants; but he had shut her down ever so gently and she gave up.

She was also one of Ashton's little followers.

"Liam called him a slut." She explained, "Same shit as always."

"He's not that promiscuous." Michael grumbled under his breath, letting out a heavy sigh of disdain as the sight of a school yard fight cane into focus.

There was a large circle of students, some barracking for Ashton and others cheering Liam on.
Liam was your average asshole student, he fucked around, he got in trouble, he didn't care about his grades and it's no secret he likes his weed.
Ashton hated his guts because Liam was one of few who ever dared to stand against him.

"You're a basic white bitch, Irwin!" Liam slandered. "You think you're so tough? Come 'ere and I'll fucking show you tough-!"

Ashton scoffed, his bag already off and sitting by a short red head's feet behind him. "You? Tough? Baby, you're nothing short of pathetic."

"That's it-!" Liam lunged forward but three friends held him back; fighting to restrain a big muscled hard-headed jerk.

Calum, Harry and Zayn. Athlete, playboy and neighbour. His three best mates who could at least try and keep him out of big trouble.

"He's not worth it!" Harry grabbed Liam's arm, pulling him back while Calum held the other and Zayn gripped his jacket and tugged.

"You'll get expelled, mate!" Zayn argued. "Don't hit him!"

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