Your Babies?

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** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

Calum was exhausted by the time he stepped through the school gates on a dreary Monday morning.

His hands were stuffed into his pockets, eyes sullen and expression void of any emotion other than somber loss. He didn't sleep last night, another strike to add to two previous haphazard nights, and to think he would sleep later would be optimism he couldn't afford to have.

Sunken brown eyes found Liam and Zayn chatting by the side of the school, casual as they spoke with two other girls, and he scoffed.

Some friends they were, attacking him over the man who lit up his world like a diamond reflecting pure sunlight. It was beautiful and stunning, enlightening to dwell within such light, and he hadn't been able to glimpse at the light since three days ago.
He hadn't tried to fix the friendship he once had, not since he preferred Ashton's company over Liam and Zayn's existence.

He loathed the darkness, because it ached inside him like a broken heart aches inside a dying widow.

He hadn't seen nor spoken to Michael since Thursday and he was in agony over it; constantly tossing and turning, kicking himself and questioning what he had done so wrong to cause the love of his life to abandon him without a word.

Dragged steps grudgingly brought him into the school building, his mind drifting as though he weren't real in his own reality while he walked between crowds of students.
He felt alone, and with the way some glances were confusedly sent his way he felt like it was as noticeable as white among black on a canvas dripping with blood.

He sighed, pulling out his mobile for the millionth time that morning, and scrolled through his text messages; praying that maybe Michael texted him back.

Not even a read ✔️ sign.

With no response, he glued his eyes to his screen and flicked through his social media apps; seeking any piece of Michael he could find in the hopes that Michael was okay.
He would accept if he was being ghosted, but only if he knew Michael wasn't crying alone in a dark room somewhere; begging someone to pull him out of his own mind, but not knowing how to ask.

He tucked his phone away, eyes glancing upwards to the side as two girls began arguing over some strange TV show; voices so loud it were as though everyone had to know about it.

It was this partial distraction that had him colliding with the rush of another student, who had just stormed out of a science class in a rage of fury and betrayal.

With a clatter of books and a thud of a plain grey school bag, the victim's stuff hit the floor.
Calum zoned back into reality, surprised to see Harry now on the floor and shocked. A few people glanced their way, but attention spans lingered no more than a few measly seconds.

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