If I Pass This Quiz

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I know I keep updating, but I'm just sooooo freaking excited for this story, and I also have no life so lmao enjoy!

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The night was still young, riddled with darkness and opportunities to ruin any last morsels of innocence left alive; clinging to their hosts desperately.

Ashton parked his mum's car back in the driveway, shutting it off and quickly getting out with Calum following suit.

"We can't go through the front." Ashton said, and Calum frowned as he listened to screams of chaos echo from Ashton's household.

"Is someone dying in there?" He asked, tailing Ashton towards the side gate.

"No." Ashton mumbled, wincing as a particular scream thrashed through the quiet followed by loud crashes of furniture. He sighed. "It's just mum and dad..."

"Oh." Calum kept his mouth shut, zipping his lips for the time being as he kept up with Ashton's sneaking pace.

They slipped in through the back door, and Ashton quickly dumped his mum's keys on her bed in her room whilst she was busy howling and crying at his father in the living room.

"I hate you!" She shrieked. "You lying bastard! How could you?!"

"C'mon." Ashton beckoned Calum up the stairs, acting as though the domestic insanity in his home was nothing to worry about.

"It's your fault!" His dad shouted back. "If you weren't such a used up old cow I wouldn't have to fuck Scarlet! And if you weren't such a fucking bitch I wouldn't have to bend Yasmin over my desk every morning!"

Ashton closed his door behind the two of them, locking it from the inside using a lock he had bought and installed himself. It paid to keep safe, and it also paid to have his bedroom window open for if he may need to escape quickly.

Calum noticed those things almost immediately as he glanced around Ashton's bedroom. The pink and black colours, girlish style tumblr clothes and stupid ornaments were nothing when compared to the small knife Ashton had partially hidden under a pile of clothes, a mobile phone he had tucked into his pillowcase, and the baseball bat decorated like Harley Quinn that sat purposefully beside his bed.

All at once, reality hit him with the force of a volcano; exploding in front of his face with realisation he could never have guessed without seeing the state of which rich boy Ashton lived in.

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