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** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

It doesn't matter how loud you scream, no one will hear you.

It doesn't matter how hard you struggle, the chains won't release you.

It doesn't matter how much you cry, no one will pity you.

It doesn't matter how brave you fight, you have to give in to me some time...

So stop fighting yourself, Michael!

"This is by far the stupidest idea you've ever had." Calum complained, sitting in the food court of the local mall with Ashton across the circular table from him.

They had dumped their school bags in Ashton's room, deciding that school wasn't an inch more important than finding Michael. The threat of being beaten by their respective parents couldn't outweigh the need to find their friend.

"Shut up and drink your soda." Ashton huffed, cherry and cream topped milkshake in front of him as he typed away on his phone.

"No but seriously, you're going to offer a threesome to this guy?" Calum continued, despite Ashton's response.

"We need to get into the house." Ashton insisted.

"This is ridiculous." Calum slouched back in his seat. "More ridiculous than that time you made me lick whipped cream off your chest."

"Okay first of all." Ashton lowered his phone and Calum couldn't help the smirk that touched his lips as the boy prepared to go full sass.

"You said you wanted to try something new, and when I mentioned whipped cream you had no complaints." Ashton sassed perfectly. "And, in fact, you weren't complaining when I sucked it off your dick. So..."
he waved a dismissive hand before returning to his phone, his job complete.

Calum laughed, amused, and shook his head. A sip of his soda broke him from their small banter and he began to complain once more.

"We could always just tell him we need help with school work." Calum suggested. "He loves his job, as fucked up as that technically is. He'd help us."

"Yeah, but then Louis doesn't have a reason to leave the fucking house." Ashton pointed out. "He'll suspect something and then we'll be fucked."

"Do I seriously have to fuck with an old guy for this?"

"I mean, no. Not really. I can do that." Ashton awkwardly answered. "You just go to the bathroom and sneak around."

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" Calum worried. "I mean... he seriously hurt you."

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