And She Bit Her Lip

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Worried green eyes stared out the window of their lounge room, watching the world awaken in the early morning as the clocks ticked past eight am.
Cars drove by, coming and going, people wandered past on their own journeys, but none were who he was expectantly waiting for.

It's not as though he's not used to being let down, because he is; greatly so.
But that doesn't mean it never hurts each time.

"Sweetie..." Karen's voice gently swayed into the lounge, sympathetic as she spoke to her son.

He was ready for school, pants, shoes and jumper all thrown on and backpack waiting beside him.

"How about I drop you off today?" She asked, hands holding a cup of hot coffee. "We can listen to Melanie." She offered, smiling.

Michael sighed, upset, but got up nonetheless; slinging his bag carefully over one shoulder and standing up from the seat edge of their window.

"Am I not good enough for him?" He mumbled, staring down at his phone whose messages still remained unanswered by his best friend.

"Don't say that." His mother gently pat his back, walking him to the door. "He probably slept in this morning, yeah?"

"I guess..." Michael's head remained bowed, disappointed that his friend wouldn't be walking with him this morning.

Karen tried her best to carry the conversation, talking in a happy tone and explaining bits and pieces of her own world; from her new boss who was surprisingly nice to her friend who invited her out to lunch later.
Michael wasn't always a talkative person, but at least his mother knew that he appreciated still being included.

Parking by the school, Karen gave her son a small smile—hiding her sympathy for his slightly bad morning. "Have a good day, yeah?"

"Yeah." Michael mumbled, dreary as he got out of the car and slung his bag over his shoulders.

He shut the door, giving his mum a short wave before walking towards the school entrance among a scatter of mindless zombies following the same path.

It's not that he hated school, it's just that he hated school.

And as the bell rang, he couldn't help but sigh in irritation; knowing his first class was maths and it was never a fun time with Mr Klei.

He barely sat down and opened his textbooks before Mr Klei was already singling him out from the class of average and smart students.

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