Teacher's Pet. If I'm So Special Why Am I Secret?

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Do you regret the things we shared that I'll never regret? Well, do you tell me that?

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I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my years. I knew this wouldn't last but fuck you, don't you leave me here.

Teacher's Pet.

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Hazel eyes brimmed with tears, the frantic body of a young girl desperately trying to tug her arm free from her partner's hold attracting the attention of a concerned young man.

"Help!" She shrieked, sobbing hysterically as her dull pink dress fluttered around her. "Please! Someone help me!"

"Shut the fuck up before I really hurt you!" Her partner snarled, brown eyes cold and callous as he pulled her into the alleyway.

"Hey!" The young man on the street bolted after them; concerned for the hysterical girl who looked barely any older than nineteen.
"Let her go!" He rounded the corner of the building, sunlight dulled by looming walls as he rushed into the alley.

Both partners stood waiting for him, the female's tears gone without a trace and the man's anguish diminished; only to be replaced by calm smiles and wicked eyes.

"Oh thank you." The girl smirked, evil.
In her hand she held a knife, once again providing a distraction as she slowly approached the confused man. "You really are my hero, mister. I would hate to know what would've happened if you hadn't come to my rescue."

The man's response was a gurgle of blood, his throat slashed by the woman's partner within a second of distraction. He collapsed to the concrete ground, gagging on the vile crimson that spluttered from his oozing neck.

"Pretty sure I know what would've happened." The brunet of the two partners smirked, a knowing look being sent to the girl who hummed; uncaring for the blood that stained the bottom of her sneakers.

"Oh really?" She giggled, "tease", a gentle kiss being pressed to her cheek before the brunet moved to kneel beside the dying man.

"I reckon he had about a hundred bucks." The brunet said, pulling a wallet from the dead man's pocket.

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