Giving His Eyes

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Ashton politely knocked on the room door of Mr. Hemmings' classroom, pushing it open and quietly stepping inside.

The sound of Luke's voice explaining the connection between caesium and both water and acids came to a halt as dazzling blue eyes met with sparkling hazel.

"You're late." Luke took his hand away from its point at the board, all eyes now on the petite boy standing in the doorway.

"I know." Ashton smiled shyly, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to the teacher. Their fingers brushed ever so gently and Ashton loved the tingling sensation it sent through him as Luke took the pre-written note.

"Sorry, sir." Ashton waited for Luke to read the note. "I had to help Miss Tier collect some books."

Luke knew that note had been forged, every note he got from 'model student' Ashton Irwin was forged.
But he didn't care. To him it was almost like a game, one day he'd be able to catch Irwin in his little tricks and maybe even punish him for it; so until then he would keep accepting these stupid notes with pretty hearted 'i's and cursive 't's.

"Alright. Go take a seat." Luke pierced the note through his spiked paper holder on his desk, returning to the board as Ashton sat down in his usual place at the front of the class.

"Stay back after class to collect your papers from earlier this lesson." Luke instructed, eyes set on the smiling pupil. "I've put them away now."

"Yes sir." Ashton bit back a smirk, pulling out his books from his bag as Luke cleared his throat.

Out of all his students, hearing Ashton call him 'sir' or 'Mister' just did something to him. Something bad. Something... illegal.

"We're on page seventy four." He picked up a whiteboard marker and began scrawling onto the board again; now addressing the class.

"And if you look to diagram three you'll see a list of chemical ingredients, these are what we call bases." Luke explained. "Primarily, bases are used as a start point for most junior experiments."

He turned to speak to the classroom, twenty six sets of eyes all trained on him; yet only one particularly beautiful pair ever mattered.

"You'll need to read through pages seventy six to seventy nine for tomorrow's class." A scribble of note taking was done after he'd given his instructions and he waited for the class to catch up.

"As for caesium, next week I've booked the science lab and we will be experimenting with water and halogens."

Luke Hemmings didn't look like the kind of man to have a seventeen year old attached to their hip.
He was tall, lean, and broad, with pretty pink lips and shinning blue eyes often filled with kindness. His body curved seamlessly, and his clothes would follow that trail; black jeans fitting like a tailored suit, and button-up blouses usually halfway done.

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