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Michael loved his bedroom, and not just because it was his own place to be whoever he wanted without anyone judging him for a single thing. It was because it was his room, his decorations across the walls—butterflies and fabric and fairy lights, and little posters of Melanie Martinez and Chase Atlantic—, it was his special place.

It was also where he could listen to music and jam out whenever he wanted.

However, spending his Tuesday evening crying over maths questions he couldn't understand wasn't something he wanted to do in his bedroom. Surrounded by love and life, and all he could do was cry and wish he was dead. He hated days like this, days where—once upon a time—Ashton would've come around and rugged him up in fluffy blankets and made him watch crappy Christmas movies even though it was nowhere near Christmas time; because those days always made him realise how pathetic he really was.

He was miserable, he hated that he couldn't be like normal kids. He hated that he was too stupid to understand simple equations, let alone navigate conversation as easily as everyone else. He hated how much of a burden he was on his mother, and he hated how angry he made his teachers. It seemed as though no matter how hard he tried, he'd never be good enough. He was so tired.

Halfway through his fifteenth attempt at the same godforsaken question, he gave up and decided that if Calum was going to give him his number then he was going to use it.

To: Calum, the smart one
Hi Calum, it's Michael. The boy you helped with maths yesterday. I don't know if you remember me...
I'm really stuck on some questions, do you think you'd be able to help?
If not, that's okay. I understand. Have a lovely night 🥰

To: Cutie 🌺
How was I gonna forget you, cutie?
Sure I'll help. Wanna meet up somewhere?

To: Calum, the smart one
You can come to my house if you want.
It's 16 Evergreen Ave. The one with a huge bush plant in the front yard.

To: Cutie 🌺
Your fam gonna be okay with that?

To: Calum, the smart one
My mum always tells me to make friends.
She'll probably invite you to dinner, so do you eat risotto?

To: Cutie 🌺
I'll eat anything

To: Cutie 🌺
Even ass 🤤
message not delivered

Better not send that, thought Calum as he deleted the message.

To: Calum, the smart one
Okay, I will let her know.
Will you be here soon?

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