Chewing On Her Nails And Her Pens

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You guys have no idea how insane this story is going to get and I'm EXCITED 😈

You guys have no idea how insane this story is going to get and I'm EXCITED 😈

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** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

Louis Tomlinson's laugh was a sound not many people—if any—got to hear.
But Luke was one of the few lucky ones.

The lounge television was nothing but background noise, the Kardashians playing a secondary role to Luke and Louis' conversation.

The table in front of their couch dwelling selves was covered in paperwork, four canned beers sitting on top—two being drunk and two empty—and three bags of assorted lollies beside them.

There were scattered highlighters and pens, a stapler half open and broken staples littered on the floor to join a cushion that had been jokingly thrown previously.

"Okay okay, how about this?" Louis calmed down from his laughter as Luke picked up his own drink and sipped from it.
"Why don't cannibals eat clowns?"

"Oh god." Luke chuckled, momentarily pausing his drink.

"They taste funny."

"Fuck off." Luke laughed and Louis grinned with amusement as he picked up an open highlighter. "Your jokes are always so fucking terrible when you're drunk."

"When I'm drunk? I've had one beer, thank you." Luke humoured. "You're the one with three under your belt."

"It's the sugar candy I need." Luke pretended to cuddle his drink, eliciting a laugh from his coworker.

"I can think of some other sugar candy you might need." Louis winked and after a breath of silence they both burst into laughter.

Rapid knocking on the front door brought two pairs of crystal blue eyes glancing between each other at ten o'clock at night.

"Were you expecting guests?" Louis asked, confused.

"No. Can't say I was..." Luke was just as confused, standing up and passing his drink into Louis' outstretched hand. The older male took mouthful from Luke's drink as the blond began to wander towards the door.

Opening it, Luke's shock and surprise was evident on his face as he was met with the bedraggled sight of his star student.

"Ashton? What the-? What happened?" Luke gently pressed a hand to Ashton's back, guiding him inside and shutting the door behind the boy.

"Why are you crying?" He knelt down in front of the sobbing boy who looked like he'd just sprinted a marathon. "What's happened, love?"

Ashton sobbed louder, and Luke cautiously pried the boy's hands from his face; gently taking one into his own whilst his other wiped tears from Ashton's stained cheeks.

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