You Wont Come

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Calum had never felt such raw fear in his life, he had no defence and no escape; the love of his life was locked up in a cage and his best friend had crawled their way to the back corner behind Calum's trapped self.
A blood trail followed Ashton's drag of his own body, now pooling around him as he sat slumped against the wall. His skin was deathly pale, chest rising and falling unnaturally slow as his breaths became shallow.

For all Calum knew, Ashton was dying and there was nothing he could do about it.

What hurt the most was knowing they were so close, but he couldn't do anything; he couldn't save them. The chains wouldn't budge, no matter how many times he tried—even trying so far as to mentally calculate whether dislocating his shoulder would work. It wouldn't. He was stuck listening to his best friend die.

It wasn't fair. Ashton had done nothing to deserve such a brutal death. He was a young bright child trying to figure his way through life; and he almost had it. He almost wrapped his hands around his own identity and pulled it out of the storm clouds, but now he would never get the chance to be who he wanted.
He was going to die of blood loss and in agonising pain that he couldn't escape.

Michael, though seemingly unharmed for now, couldn't speak. He couldn't say words he desperately wished would fall free from his lips; endless love and gratitude for the two boys who made his life worth more than he could have ever imagined. All he could do was sit and watch as two maniacal freaks—whose heads were so wound up with psychosis he knew they wouldn't go down without a fight—beat his friends to death.

His body was trembling, but at some point throughout the ordeal it had ceased to be because of fear and rose to become rage. He wanted to destroy Louis, he'd rip apart his husband and dip his live body into vats of acid until all the teacher could do was scream incoherent pleas through bubbling, peeling flesh.

Michael's mind had become a war zone, demons against demons whilst angels held their lights up solely so the warriors on the shattered glass ridden fields could see. The angels weren't there to hold back his manic thoughts anymore, not since he was helplessly forced to listen to his best friend beg for mercy; his lover crying with guilt.

None of this was Calum's fault, and Michael only wished he could tell him so.
He knew whose fault it was for him, Ashton and Calum eventually winding up in the house of horror, and if he escaped alive he would slaughter the sociopathic narcissistic stalker freak and string him up in the school hall for all to see.

His eyes had focussed to the darkness by now, hours and hours passed of being stuck in his cage, and only five hours being stuck without the ability to console Calum. His sweet baby prince, Calum deserved the world; he deserved the sunflowers in a field under the sun, and the rainbow that glistens in a perfectly cloudy sky.

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