Don't Call Me

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It felt like a different world, students scattered around as recess dug into the teacher's free time allowance. The canteen was bustling, cliques were laughing and gossiping in circles, enjoying their time outside of class.

Calum and Ashton sat in silence, Ashton's white painted nails tapping on his phone screen whilst Calum's cheek rest in his hand and his brown eyes scanned the restless crowds.
He felt like a lone street lamp among a fast forward video of streaming midnight traffic. Everything around him was moving beyond the limitations of time and yet he was trapped in slow motion; his mind lost to the darkness now that he didn't have anyone to offer his light to.

Ashton held a small candle of his flame, a tiny fleck of light gifted to him with great trust by Calum, but Michael was the one who could raise the flames. He was the one who could awaken the beast of light and bring him crackling to the surface of even the thickest oozing sludge.

"Cal...?" Ashton eventually spoke up as the tail end of recess powered closer.

Calum slowly tore his eyes from the outside world and focussed on the boy who sat with him in the bubble of slow motion.


"I need your help." Ashton sighed as though he had been defeated by a war in his head. He put his phone into his pocket, dismal. "And I know you're gonna hate me, but I need you."

"Okay... help with what?"

"I need to talk to Mr Hemmings." Ashton admitted, standing up.

"Sure...?" Calum rose to his feet, joining Ashton's side. "Why are you upset?"

"It's serious." Ashton wiped a hand over his eyes, forcing back the tears that were threatening his well-being.

"Is everything alright?" Calum worriedly asked, walking alongside the boy towards his science classroom.

Luke always spent his recess times setting up or cleaning his practical science class, he described it as a moment of peace between him and his favourite elements of the world around him. Ashton knew that's where he would be.

"Not really." Ashton led the way, and Calum watched as black sludge poured down from his petite body; staining the floor with each step he took.

Guilt radiated off of Ashton, madness screeching inside his brain even though his mind had gone silent. He couldn't focus, lost among his own chaos and praying that maybe one day he would be okay. Maybe one day he wouldn't have any regrets pulling him down into Hell, maybe one day he'd be able to grow his own wings and soar somewhere else.

Ashton hoped he wouldn't have to snap his lifeline to get those wings.

"I mean, I'm here if you wanna talk." Calum offered.

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