You Love Me, But

815 56 233

I haven't proofread, because it's 2am and I spent most of my night watching rocket league championships. You know... like an idiot

Other than that, buckle the fuck up

Other than that, buckle the fuck up

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** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

It was audio before vision; chains rattling as they scraped across a hard floor, sending tingles of fear down Calum's spine. He could hear someone crying in the distance, a detached and frightened sound that drifted through his mind like a vast empty thought.

There were whispers, two people turning into one as a mind fell victim to their own hidden desires, and as Calum flickered his eyes opened with a subtle groan the whispers didn't stop.

His head throbbed, pain ricocheting throughout his body as he tried to focus on the world he was trapped in.
The room was dark, a cold chill lingering within the concrete walls lined with dried stains of blood from previous things Calum hoped he never learned. Chains, much like the ones wrapped around his seated figure, hung from the ceiling and draped the walls.

In the far back corner of the room, his jarred vision could see the adult couple that brought him here; Luke seemed to be in a trance, eyes locked on Louis whose lips may have been soft on his but his grip on his throat was not.
On the back wall stood a strange box shape covered by silky black material, and Calum didn't want to know what was inside.

With a wince, Calum bit his tongue as pain shot through his leg; a glance down finding it still bleeding through his jeans.
He spotted Ashton among the estranged chaos, laying barely a foot away. His wrists were bound by rope, and it looked as though he had already struggled to get free; rubbing his skin raw and bleeding it out. He looked broken, his eyes on Calum and watching his friend.

He was scared, but so was Calum.

"You okay?" Calum whispered.

Ashton shook his head, a jagged motion that let out a choked sob. "We're gonna die..."

His eyes clenched shut, hazel locked away as his body shrunk in on itself. He could feel Louis's presence before the man himself squatted down behind him.

"You're not going to die." Louis mused, madness swirling in his godless eyes. "Or at least... not yet."

He stood back up, amused by the hardened expression on Calum's glaring face.
"I mean, after all, you did come here for a reason. Didn't you?"

He gestured his hand out towards where Luke stood beside the large covered box, and the moment Luke's hand touched the silk Calum's heart dropped. He knew whatever was going to happen wasn't going to be good in any sense of the word.

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