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Don't Know Why You Even Need Me
** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

Don't Know Why You Even Need Me゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*

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** ゜゚** ゜゚** ゜゚**

The sky was nothing but a swirling storm of vicious greys and blacks, a threat of horrendous thunder rolling in the distance.
It was cold, a sickening chill encircling two bodies that lay in a ditch of shrubbery and damp dirt.

"Cal..?" A weak voice drifted through the darkness of an approaching night, wind ghosting across the face of a tired but fighting boy.

A shaking hand reached out towards the shoulder of their fallen friend, gingerly shaking it until a grunt of pain spilled free from the younger male.

"...Please wake up?" Ashton's voice begged, slumped beside his friend.

Brown eyes fluttered open, eyebrows furrowing as their gaze collided with the darkness of the stormy sky.

"What... happened?" Calum sat up slowly, looking around at their vague surroundings.
Two boys lost in the middle of nowhere.

Realisation hit and Calum's eyes widened in horror, meeting the hazy gaze that watched him. "Where's Michael?"

"He escaped." Ashton smiled, broken but proud. "He got out, Cal. You should've seen him. He destroyed Luke before I fully passed out. Louis sounded terrified."

"Mike left us?" Calum's voice broke, heartbroken.

"He... He thought we were dead." Ashton corrected, hesitant. "Hell, even I thought we were dead."

"Then where the hell are we now?" Calum hauled himself up onto his feet, grimacing and hissing at the pain that flooded his body as he did so.

"I really don't know." Ashton admitted, afraid.

"Fuck that hurts." Calum grunted as he stood up straight, clenching his eyes shut and slowly letting out a pained breath as he reopened them; gazing down at Ashton.

"Can you move?" Calum fretted, reaching down for his friend.

"I mean, I can but..." Ashton was reluctant, eyes glancing down to his leg that had been wrapped into a makeshift splint; holding the fractured bone in place. "It hurts. A lot."

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