While She's Dreaming of Him

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Students wandered in an almost aimless fashion, some dawdling idly and others crowded into groups. The school yard was always eerily quiet in the mornings, there weren't any huge games of soccer, or football, there weren't basketballs bouncing dangerously around, and it was rare that any fights or drama explosions happened so early in the day.

It felt like a collective sensation of dreary exhaustion and loathing, many students didn't want to exist, others were afraid, and the rest were wandering wildly in their own minds; blissful or balanced.
Some had it all, and others had nothing. But for the morning, everyone was the same; a lingering aesthetic of grunge and dark clouds. No matter how bright the sky may be.

Michael waited patiently out by the front entrance as the watch wrapped daintily around his wrist ticked closer to nine in the morning, he had three minutes before the bell would ring and he would realise Calum stood him up.

Who was he to think Calum would ever actually like him? He was a freak. A nobody. Not even Ashton wanted to hang around him publicly, so why would Calum-one of the coolest, hottest and baddest kids in school-want to even be seen near him?
He was a childish fool and it hurt, it ached deep in his heart and cracked open his soul. It oozed with thick black goo, pooling from the deepening cracks as the agony began to pull at his insides; the realisation that Calum would forever see him as nothing more than a cheap whore. A pathetic child so desperate for connection that he would give himself up the first night.

8:58am was the exact moment Calum came wandering up towards him with a grin on his face, bag on his back, and dressed in his uniform.

"Did ya' miss me?" Calum teased, and Michael had to stand and stare at him in pure shock for a moment.

Calum didn't stand him up. He... he was there. Right there. Real and in front of his very eyes.

"Uhh...?" Calum waved a hand in front of Michael's face. "You alright there, booboo?"

Michael blinked rapidly for a second before cracking a smile of gratitude. "You actually came?"

"Hell yeah I did. What, you didn't seriously think I was joking did you?" Calum humoured, but when he saw the worry flash over Michael's face, he softened.

"Oh wow, babe. Did you really?" Calum nonchalantly caressed his hand briefly over Michael's cheek, pulling away as he said "I'm not gonna abandon you, sunshine."

"You should..." Michael sighed as he bowed his head with a heavy heart.

"Hell nah, there's lots of shit I should do. But do I? Lol, fuck no." Calum threw his arm over Michael's shoulders, guiding them both into the school as the first bell rang.

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