Chapter 1

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A/N:  Here goes another story.  This one is the first full length story that focuses mainly on TaeTee.  I hope that you guys will like it.  It is a little different.

Thank you  Baby_Bunny1711 for proof reading this chapter.   :)


It is my birthday once again and just like every other year, I feel like a piece of me is missing. However, I can't say that it feels completely gone. No. It is more like it is waiting for me somewhere, but I just don't know where.

I have talked to a lot of other twins and even triplets where one of the siblings has died or been in a terrible accident, and they all seem to say something very similar. They often can sense that something has happened to the sibling when one of them gets hurt. For the ones who have lost an identical sibling, they say that they feel like a part of their heart died too.

Shoot. I have even done several papers on this topic for my classes. Each one coming back with a similar finding. Identical twins are connected by a bond that can't seem to be explained.

However, I seem to be the exception to the rule. I don't feel like a part of my heart died, but I do feel like something is missing. Some of the twins that had been separated for a period of time told me that they have this similar feeling. However, I'm confused. I was told that my identical twin brother died shortly after birth. My parents have even shown me the death certificate, but I still feel that something is off. I just can't figure out what.

"TEE! You have to blow out your candles before they are all gone! Hurry up!!" Bas smiles at me while he holds the cake in front of me.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "Okay. Hold on. I'll make my wish now." I close my eyes, and I quickly make my birthday wish. It is the same one every year.

I wish that my brother is actually alive and safe, and I hope that someday I will be able to meet him.

Even though I know that it is impossible, I have always wished for it as long as I can remember. It is the only thing that I can say that I've ever honestly wanted, but it is also the one thing that no one can ever give to me. However, I keep wishing for it every year.

I open my eyes and I blow out the candles. I look around the group and I can't believe that my friends surprised me like this. I had told them not to even bother with anything for my birthday, but like usual, they didn't listen to me.

They all cheer at once and clap. "Happy birthday!!"

Bas quickly adds, "Let's eat the birthday cake. It may be Tee's favorite, but it also my favorite too."

Copter shakes his head. "Bas, this is Tee's birthday celebration. Not yours."

Bas smiles. "I know, but I really want a piece of that cake. Did you forget how much I love that cake?"

Godt walks up to Bas and wraps an arm around his waist. "Baby, I will get you a cake of your own. Don't worry. Now, don't be so pushy. This is Tee's big day."

I can't help but to chuckle to myself. It doesn't matter if it is his favorite cake or not. Bas is always the first person to get a piece of the birthday cake or any other sweet that happens to be at one of our get togethers. I'm used to it by now. He has been part of our group for 2 years now.

I shake my head and chuckle. "Godt, don't worry. I'm fine. Plus, a birthday cake is meant to be eaten and not stared at. So, let's cut the cake and eat it."

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