Chapter 38

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Detrick POV

I really have missed being at the university. Granted, I also really enjoyed being at Dean's apartment this whole time, and him pampering me so much that I almost didn't want to come back to school. However, I'm not going to let anything stop me from getting my education and degree. Not even Uncle Ted and his stupid schemes will stop me.

I did miss Shane and Dee a lot too. This is the first time in years that I've been away from them for so long and it has only been a couple of days. I had asked them to stop over, but they decided that they wouldn't. Actually, they were afraid that someone maybe following them, and they didn't want to lead them straight to me, so they said that they could wait to see me on campus. They also agreed that Dean's place seemed the best for now.

Dean has changed his schedule at work so that he will be picking me and dropping me off to the university. He said that it would calm down his nerves a little, if he personally made sure that I made it to the university safely. However, I have feeling that he just wants to show everyone that I'm taken already along with get a kiss before he leaves.

As I sit down in my seat inside our classroom, I look at Shane and Dee. "So, how much did I miss? Please tell me that it isn't too much."

Shane shakes his head. "No. Not too much."

Dee quickly adds, "Surprisingly, the professors didn't cover as much as they normally do. You really lucked out this time." She finishes put her stuff on the desk and looks at me again. "So, are you still sore or are you good?"

Shane chuckles. "Yeah. I didn't get to see your duck walk. I missed out on some good blackmail material."

I grab a piece of paper from my folder and quickly wad it and throw it at them, as I glare at them. "GUYS!! And to think that I was missing you."

Shane and Dee chuckle. The professor walks in and we quickly sit down in our seats.


I glance around the canteen and notice not only my professional bodyguards are here, but also a number of engineering students. Well, Tae did say that he was going to have his friends help too, but he didn't really say exactly what they would be doing. I guess this is what he meant.

With this many people watching me, I would be surprised if anyone can get to me to do any harm, but I'm not taking any chances. Shoot. I even had Shane walk with me to the bathroom earlier and we both inspected the restroom for anyone possibly hiding in there first before I could do my business.

Well, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

I look at my watch. What is taking Tae and Tee so long? I didn't hear anything from them that they would be running late today. However, I don't feel anything off like Tee is in trouble.

I turn towards Shane and Dee. "Hey, let's go ahead and grab our food. It looks like Tae and Tee are running late."

Shane and Dee look up from their notes and silently nod their head. As we stand up from the table, Dee chimes, "Even Tee's friends haven't made it yet."

Shane adds, "Nor Tae's friends."

Oh, their classes must have been running long if they all are late. We order our food and I go ahead and order food for Tae and Tee. I don't want them running late by waiting for their food.

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