Chapter 20

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Detrick POV

I finally got good news. The police station just called me and the DNA test came back. It is finally confirmed that Tee and I are identical twins. Now, my parents can proceed with getting my death certificate nullified. I can't wait to tell Tee.

With a huge smile on my face, I call him.


Tee's groggy voice spills from my phone. "Hey, Detrick. What's up?" I hear rustling noise. "What time is it anyway?"

In the background, I can hear Tae's deep voice. "Baby, is something wrong?"

Still groggy, Tee replies, "I don't think so."

My huge smile gets even wider. "Nothing is wrong. I actually have good news."

Tee seems to wake up a little bit as he chirps, "Good news? What is it?"

I can tell that Tee has put the phone on speaker.

I don't want to wait any longer. I begin to unconsciously jump up and down as I blurt out, "The police called, and its official. Tee, you and I are identical twin brothers!"

My ear begins to ring as a high pitch scream blares through my phone. "YES!!!! ONE STEP CLOSER!!!" I don't know what Tee is doing, but I can imagine with all the rustling that I hear.

My excitement bubbles up and I can't control myself as I begin to giggle. Finally, I'm part of a whole family. Growing up, I would wish to actually have my father around, especially on those father-son activities at school. However, I learned to ignore the pain and the mental anguish from not having a father. The kids at school made it harder by teasing me, but in all actuality, they were the easy one to deal with. I could just walk away from them. However, I couldn't walk away from myself when I would start to think that my father wasn't around because he didn't want me. That was the hardest thing to overcome.

Now, I'm finally getting what I have wanted for so long. I couldn't be happier.

Suddenly, Tee stops whatever he is doing and gasps, "Have you call mom and dad? They need to know right now. We also need to celebrate, and I know that they will want to be there too."

I smile and shake my head. "No. I haven't called them yet. I wanted to tell you first."

Tee has had so much faith in the fact that I have been alive all these years that it just seems so natural to tell him first.

Tee chimes, "Let's do a group call and tell them together. Hold on."

Tee doesn't wait for my responses as the phone goes silent. My smile never falters as I wait for Tee to come back onto the line with our parents. This seems so surreal. It is almost like a dream that I could wake from at any moment to find that it isn't real. Oh, I don't know what I would do if that were the case.

Tee interrupts my thoughts as he comes back onto the line with a happy cry. "Everyone is here now. I'll let Detrick tell you the good news."

I don't want my parents to wait any longer and I shout, "IT IS OFFICIAL. TEE AND I ARE IDENTICAL TWINS BROTHERS AND YOU ARE MY PARENTS."

My heart overflows with joy at the statement. I don't think that I can ever get tired of hearing it.

Tee exclaims, "ISN'T GREAT?!?! We can get Detrick back on our family registry. No one can take him away, now."

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