Chapter 36

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry for the delay.  It has been really hectic for me and I haven't been able to write in over a week.  I miss it so much.  


I hope Detrick is all right. I can't stop thinking about the crazy things that Uncle Ted may try. However, no matter what Uncle Ted tries, he won't succeed. Neither, Dean nor I will allow it along with Tae. Don't even get me started on what our father will do. Uncle Ted has been pushing dad for years, but this may be the last straw for him. If Uncle Ted really tries to do something to Detrick, dad will not hold back anymore. I don't even have to ask whether my grandparents know. I'm sure that one of the phone calls that dad made when this whole thing started is a call to my grandparents informing them what he will do. I'm sure that dad didn't even ask for permission, but instead he warned them that Uncle Ted has gone too far this time.

I really hate to see my grandparents in pain, but this with Uncle Ted is an exception. My grandparents have been sheltering Uncle Ted and his family for way too long. It is about time that Uncle Ted gets what he deserves for something like this.

I don't even have to ask whether my aunts and uncles support my father or Uncle Ted. I think everyone in the family except my grandparents have had enough with Uncle Ted. Ugh. Some days, I wonder if Uncle Ted is actually related to us, because I swear that he isn't like anyone else in the family.

My thoughts are interrupted as Tae chimes, "Baby, this is where Dean lives."

My eyes are pulled to the tall apartment building in front of us. The building blends in with the surrounding buildings, but I can still see that there is something special about it. I'm not sure exactly what. Maybe, it is the greenish tint to the mirrored windows or the security in the lobby, that I can see through the large revolving front door. Whatever it is, it seems to silently scream high-end.

However, as soon as we get inside the building, the subtle hint of wealth fades away to a full out onslaught of power and wealth. The security in the lobby are not only wearing expensive uniforms, but they have the latest technology at their fingertips.

Don't get me started on all the amazing artwork that decorates the interior of the building. You usually don't see this much art unless you are in an art gallery or a museum.

Well, I guess I don't have to ask if Dean will be able to take care of Detrick financially in the future. I just have to look around this lobby to know the answer.

I stay quiet and follow Tae as he walks past the security guards, who just nod towards him.

I'm surprised when the guards nod to me too. I tentatively nod back, but I make sure to stay close to Tae.

When we enter the elevator, I finally find my voice and talk. "Baby, why did the guards allow us through without stopping us? I thought when I saw them that we would have to stop and do something."

Tae chuckles. "Dean has my name on the apartment in case something happens, and the family needs to get in. Plus, I visit Dean enough that the guards know who I am. The only time that I have problems is when they have a new person working. Then, I have to have one of the other guards explain to them who I am. Regardless, I have a keycard to the building and to Dean's apartment, so they can't stop me."

Well, I guess that makes sense. However, my thoughts can't stop thinking about Detrick. I hope that he is all right. With all the security here, I think this is the best place for him if we are having problems with Uncle Ted. Hopefully, Uncle Ted doesn't have any pull here and can't get through.

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