Chapter 34

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I was going to end the story with this chapter, but I have decided that I need to resolve some issues with Uncle Ted first, then I'll wrap up the book.  I hope that you will continue to read through to the end.  :)  

Dean POV

This wasn't exactly how I had planned for our first time to be, but I wouldn't change a thing. I could tell that he was getting as frustrated as I was that we kept getting interrupted. We just needed to get away from everyone and things worked out.

I can't take my eyes off of him. I stare at him while he is asleep in my arms. I didn't want to wear him out too much, but we couldn't stop ourselves. Once we started, we just couldn't get enough of each other. I even tried to stop after our third round, but Detrick seduced me into another round which was soon followed by another. However, we were both too worn out to do anything in the shower afterwards.

I'm still flying high on all my emotions, but I'm sure that guilt will consume me tomorrow when I have to watch Detrick try to move around in pain. However, I don't think that I'm going to let him leave. I don't want him to force himself to go to class in pain. I hate to admit it, but I know that he is going to be in a lot of pain. I tried to be gentle but after so many rounds, I don't think anything would help now, but some rest.

I lightly kiss his forehead before I go to sleep.



Ugh. Why is someone calling now? My alarm hasn't even gone off yet.

I open my eyes and it is still dark in the room. What time is it?

I try to get out of Detrick's arms without waking him before I roll over, turn on the lamp, and grab my phone. However, it isn't my phone that is ringing. I put my phone back down on the nightstand. Oh, it must be Detrick's phone, but where is his phone. I glance around the room and I notice his jeans on the floor beside the bed. It appears that the ringing is coming from there.

Without getting out of bed, I lean over the side of the bed and reach for Detrick's jeans. As I grab a hold of them, Detrick softly mumbles, "Who is calling?"

"I don't know. I haven't gotten to your phone yet." I pull his jeans to me and I pull his phone out of his pocket. However, the phone stops ringing as soon as I look at the display screen which flashes a phone number instead of a name.

I wonder who it is. My mind slowly starts to work as I realize that the phone that I'm holding is his old phone and not the new phone. So, it isn't any of our close friends, because they all have his new number.

Detrick mumbles, "Who was it?"

I shake my head as I lay back onto the bed. "I don't know. It was an unknown number. Have you ever had unknown numbers call you before?"

He yawns and mumbles, "No. Usually the only people that call me are my friends and family."


I stare down at the phone as the same unknown number calls again. What the heck?

I keep his phone in my hand as I say, "We will put it on speaker."

Detrick nods his head. "Okay."

I grab my phone off the nightstand and open my audio recording app before I answer Detrick's phone. Confused, Detrick chimes, "Hello...."

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