Chapter 12

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Detrick (D) POV

Okay. I this could be worse than it is, but I'll have to admit that not hiding all the time isn't that bad. However, I can't help but to notice all the people staring at me from time to time. Well, I'm not sure if staring is the right word. I think it is more like shocked and trying to figure out if this is some kind of prank. I have noticed that every time someone tries to look this way, not only does Tae glare at them, but if they don't get the hint, all of his engineering gang will give the person a glare until they look away.

I'll have to admit that I find it comforting that Tae is being so protective, but I don't want to upset my brother though. I've learned rather quickly just how much Tee loves to have Tae's full attention. However, Tee is okay with Tae helping to watch over me, but I don't want to push it too far.

How am I ever going to get a girlfriend or maybe a boyfriend if Tae keeps such a shield up around me? Well, I still don't know if I'm ready to go down that path yet. I know that I should be open to it. Shoot, I know that Dee is dying to know what type of person that I'm attracted to. I have a feeling that she will be helping me find people once she knows what she needs to look for.

Yes. I have opened up to Tee and his friends rather quickly, but Tee is my brother and I trust his judgement regarding his friends. Shoot. I don't think that Tee would be friends with them if they weren't good people. That includes Tae and his friends too.

However, I don't know if I will be that open and honest with someone else. On top of it all, I'm still trying to deal with the fact that my family really isn't my family. The first step that I need to do is to get the courage up to actually visit my real family.

I glance around the table and I can't help but to smile. Tee and Tae are sitting on my left side while Dee and Shane are on my right side. They have formed a buffer zone for me, so that no one can easily reach me. My friends even went the extra mile and we are sitting against the wall, so people can't sneak up from the back. However, I have a feeling that the engineering gang would have found a way still to keep people away from me.

Slowly, I scan around the bar, and I'm amazed at all the people that are here. I can't help but to laugh at some of the engineering juniors that are here. They are trying so hard to pick up some girls. This is still so new to me.

Back in the United States, Dee and Shane would try to get me to go out, but we would usually just end up hanging out at my house. I didn't want to be away from my mother for too long, just in case she needed something. Even when she was in the hospital, I usually wouldn't leave the house much.

Mentally, I shake my head. I have so much to learn. I feel like I've been in a completely different world all my life and in a way, I was.

Dee chuckles and nudges my arm. "What are you thinking about?"

Still looking around the bar at all the people, I shake my head. "I'm just taking in all the stuff that I've missed. Is this how it is every night?"

Confused, Dee looks around and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. If the bars here are anything like they are in the United States, the bars are usually packed on the weekends and Thursday night. Remember me telling you that everyone would go out Thursday night too. I'm not sure if that is the same here. However, the need to find someone to have fun with appears to be the same here too."

Tae chimes, "Well, the bars are definitely packed on the weekends, but I wouldn't necessarily include Thursday night too. Most students of have class on Friday so we try not to go out and get wasted on Thursday night."

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