Chapter 4

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Sorry, short chapter.  


For the last several days, while I'm at the university, I keep getting this strange feeling that someone is watching me. However, when I glance around, I never see anyone. At the same time, my restless feeling that I keep fighting seems to ease for some reason. I still don't have any idea what is going on. If things don't change soon, I think I'm actually going to start to go crazy. I can't think of any other reason for the way that I'm feeling.

I look up from my books and I glance around the canteen again. Yes, I think I'm going insane.

Godt nudges my arm and asks, "Is something wrong Tee? You have been a little off these past few days."

Copter looks up from his books and nods his head. "Yeah. You've been acting strange. What's going on?"

I slowly glance around the area, but just like the other hundred or so times that I've scanned the area, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I shake my head. As some motion draws my attention to the corner of the canteen, I reply, "I have had this feeling that someone is watching me for the last couple of days. I don't know why. However, it is making me extremely sensitive to my surrounding."

Godt chimes, "You need to unwind and have some fun. I'm sure that that will help. Yeah, let's go out to the bar tonight. It has been a long time since we have done that."

Copter smiles and nods his head. "Heck, yes! With all these tests lately, all we ever do is study. We have our last one this afternoon and then I think we should celebrate. We won't have any more tests for a while. Count me in!" He grabs his phone and begins typing. With his eyes still focused on his phone, he adds, "Let me see if Kimmon wants to join too." He looks up at Godt and me. "Hey, do your boyfriends want to join too. The more, the merrier."

Well, Friday night is usually Tae's night to hang out with his friends, but I'm sure that they wouldn't mind joining our group this time. We will still be going to the bar, but they will have a few more people this time.

I grab my phone. "I'll ask Tae."

Godt pulls his phone out too. "I'll see if Bas is available."

Copter's phone beeps and a huge smile pops onto his face. "Kim says yes."

Both Godt's phone and mine beep at almost the same time. I glance down at my phone and chime, "Tae is a yes, too."

Godt chuckles, "Well, that makes it unanimous. Bas just said yes, too."

I glance between Godt and Copter. "Shall we meet at the bar around 8pm? I don't want to get there too soon."

Copter nods his head. "8 should be good."

Godt smiles and puts his phone down. "Okay."

I put my phone down and I wave my finger around to our books. "Well, we better get studying for our test this afternoon or we won't be able to go. Instead, we will be studying for the retake this weekend."

Godt and Copter don't reply. Instead, they immediately turn their attention back to their books, and they begin studying for the afternoon test. Oh, I definitely need a stress reliever.


We get done with the test and I'm walking out of our classroom with Godt and Copter. Almost immediately, I get the feeling that someone is watching me again. Man, this is really starting to annoy me. If only I could actually find someone staring at me, I wouldn't be going to so crazy right now.

Well, I would be irritated that someone is following me, but at least I would know that I'm not making this up. I glance around the hallways and something draws my attention, but it is gone just as fast as I spot it. Okay. Maybe, I'm not completely going crazy. I know for a fact that whoever I just spotted; they were looking at me.

Copter pokes my side. "Tee, you are doing it again. Are you getting that feeling again? The feeling that someone is watching you."

I swat his hand away from me and I nod my head. "Hey, Copgi. Stop it or I'll tell your boyfriend that you can't keep your hands off of me."

He huffs, "TEE!! You won't dare!"

Godt chuckles. "Come on, guys. Stop it." He hesitates for a moment and asks, "So, are you feeling like someone is watching you again?"

Ignoring Copter, I nod my head. "Yeah. As soon as we came out of class I could sense it. I actually think I caught someone staring at me, but as soon as he realized that I was looking, he left."

Godt chimes, "What! You better let us know when it happens again. We will make sure to catch him."

Copter tentatively adds, "Yeah, Tae will want to question him as soon as possible. He doesn't like anyone messing around with his boyfriend."

Godt doesn't say anything but nods his head in agreement. Well, I do have to admit that Tae can be rather protective and sometimes very possessive when others are trying to flirt with me. He doesn't care whether it is a guy or girl. He wants them to know that I'm off limits to them.

I sigh. "I guess we better find out who this person is before Tae finds him first. I'm afraid of what he will do to him if he thinks that the guy is stalking me."

Godt replies, "I'm sure that he will teach the guy a lesson."

I nod my head again. "That is what I'm worried about. I don't know how to stop him."

Copter rubs the back of his neck and tentatively asks, "Have you been able to find that guy, that Earth thought, was you? Hey, if he is trying to be like you maybe he is the one watching you. You know, to learn how you act and to become just like you. You could say that he is your twin."

As soon as Copter says twin, my mind races. If only I could actually have my own twin brother still alive. However, I don't want a fake. No, I want my identical twin or nothing at all.


Detrick (D) POV

I still can't believe what I'm seeing. He looks just like me. How is this possible? I haven't been in Thailand since I was a baby. According to my mother, she left Thailand shortly after she came home from the hospital with me.

I have to find out more information about him.

I'm lucky that I got away when I did. The moment that our eyes locked, I froze. The odd thing is that a sense of calm flowed over me, instead of panic. It is almost like I found a long-lost friend or family member, but that can't be possible.

I have never believed in the old saying that there is someone out there that looks exactly like you, but after watching Tee for several days, I'm starting to believe that it is true. However, it is also making me even more curious about him. I wonder exactly how much we are alike. Is it just our looks or are we similar in other ways too?

Man, I definitely need to go have a beer and relax tonight. This is all too much for me to take in.

Posted November 12, 2019

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