Chapter 43

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A/N:  This is the final chapter and the end of our story.  I hope everyone has enjoyed it and thank you from the bottom of my heart for you lovely readers to making it through to the end.  It means the world to me.  

I hope to see everyone at my next story.  I love you guys.  ❤❤

Detrick POV

I can't believe what has happened to me over the last couple of years. When I started my college life in the United States, I thought that my real mom was sick and that my father didn't care. Well, things have really changed and I have to admit that even though it has been rough from time to time, like when I found out that the women whom I called mom for most of my life really had kidnapped me from the hospital as a baby. Let's not forget about the crazy uncle incident. That period of my college life was almost too much for me. If it wasn't for my amazing boyfriend, Dean, I don't know if I would have made it through that period.

I'm not saying that that is the only rough patch that I've experienced since then, but that one is the biggest bump in the road that I've had to endure. Well, there were a few minor issues with my crazy uncle's family, but not only did Dean handle it, so did his family along with mine.

Oh, how can I forget about the time that Tee punched Uncle Ted's son. Now, that is definitely a high point of my college life here in Thailand. It is also one of the few times that I completely agree with violence.

My friends and I had the luck, or some would say the misfortune, to go to a new bar on the other side of town since one of Tae's seniors, who had graduated, was having a party to celebrate his engagement. We just didn't know that Uncle Ted's son would also be at the same bar that night.

However, everything worked out fine. Not only did Tee punch our cousin, but Godt and Kimmon did too. If I remember correctly, I think even Bas got a kick in the groin before my cousin's limp body was dragged out of the bar by his friends.

The next day, both Tee and I had to listen to a lecture from dad about causing trouble. However, he ended it with a confession telling us that he wished that he could have been there to see his nephew's smug look on his face. We then all broke out laughing.

Oh, how things have changed.

I glance back at the mirror as I run my hand down my dress shirt trying to smooth out the wrinkles. This is it. The big day is finally here.

In just a few hours, I will have graduated from college. The big difference from what I had dreamed about this day, when I was in high school, to now is that I will actually have my whole entire family here cheering me on, along with Dean.

Shoot. Back in high school, I thought that I would never date anyone. Well, look at me now. Not only am I dating an amazing guy, but I'm living with him. I know that we initially started living together so he could protect me from my crazy uncle, but when it came time to move back to my apartment, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had gotten so used to sleeping next to Dean and seeing him every day that I just couldn't go back to being away from him every night and going to sleep by myself.

With a smile on his face, Dean walks into the bedroom and chimes, "Baby, are you ready? We need to get going or you will be late for your own graduation."

I scan my reflection in the mirror one last time. Okay, I look all right.

I nod my head and chime, "Yep. I think I'm ready."

Dean picks up my graduation cap and gown from the bed as I head towards the door. This is it. In just a few hours, I will officially be a college graduate with a degree.


I glance over my shoulder and scan the crowd. I know that everyone is here. I just don't know exactly where.

Suddenly, my eyes lock onto my parents, Dean, and the rest of my friends. A smile instantly spreads across my face as I realize my dream is coming true. A warmth slowly begins to spread through my body as tears begin to well up in my eyes and are threating to spill over.

I slowly blink trying to hold them back. However, my attempts fail as a few warm tears slide down my cheeks.

So, this is how it feels to have your family here to cheer you on.

My attention is pulled away from the crowd as my name is called. I take a deep breath and look forward as I walk across the stage to president of the university who is holding my diploma, which has my correct name on it, Detrick Tanapol.

This is only the first step of many with my family and friends. I can't wait to see what else is going to happen with them.

As I approach the president, he smiles and chimes, "Congratulations on graduating, and I'm sure that you will go far in life."

I smile and accept my diploma. "Thank you, sir. I plan to do a lot."

As I continue to walk across the stage, I once again look back towards my parents, friends and especially Dean. I can't control myself as I lift my diploma in the air and wave it around. If I could, I would be screaming that I did it.

I turn and bounce down the steps and head back to my seat. As I head past the other graduates that have already gotten their diploma, my eyes lock with Dee who smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I smile, nod, and give her a thumbs up too.

I quickly scan the sea of graduates and find Shane. Just like Dee, he is smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

I smile and give him a nod as I shake my diploma.

I don't know what I would have done if Shane and Dee hadn't come with me to Thailand. They were my one constant through the initial turmoil, and I can't thank them enough. I'm so happy that they are going to stay for a little while before they decide what they are going to do. I'm still hoping that I can get them convinced to stay here with me and my family.

As I get back to seat, I sit down and watch the remaining students get their diploma.

In another year, we will be back here again, but this time it will be to see Tee, Godt and Copter graduate.

Everything seems to finally be heading in the right direction for me. I don't know what this next year has in store for me, but I know that as long as I'm with my family, friends and Dean, I will be able to handle whatever life throws my way.

Posted March 11, 2020

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