Chapter 30

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Dean POV

ASSHOLES!!! Why did they have to go and ruin everything? Instead of cousin, I think I should start calling him cockblocker, because that is exactly what Tae and Tee are. DAMN IT!!

I'm still freaking hard and I can't do anything about it. I'm sitting in the back seat of Tae's car while we drive to my future in-law's house. The assholes wouldn't even allow Detrick and I to go finish anything. NO. Instead, they pull us off of each other and out of Detrick's apartment.

Shoot. I understand that it is some kind of family emergency, but why did they have to stop me right then and there. I'm sure that it wasn't going to hurt anyone if they waited until later for us. They didn't get the hint when Detrick and I didn't answer our phones. They should have known right then and there that we were 'occupied' doing something together.

No. They had to come over and Tee had to use his spare key when we didn't answer the door. Once again, it should have been a BIG RED FLAG that we were busy, but NO...... They came right into the apartment and pull us apart. We were just getting to the good part. Detrick and I were trying to undo each other's pants. We had already taken our shirts off. DAMN. We were so close.

Detrick snuggles closer to my side and whispers, "Please don't be mad. I'm sure that it is really important. Tee wouldn't have used his spare key if it wasn't."

I wrap my arm around his shoulders and kiss the top of my head. "I know, but I'm all pent up here and I need a release. Plus, if we are going to your parents' house, I don't think it would look too good having a massive hard-on. I don't think that your parents will appreciate that."

Detrick leans up and gently kisses my neck. His warm breath cascades against my skin as he hovers his lips slightly above my neck and whispers, "Do you want me to help to 'relieve' you?"

A small smirk slides across my face. Oh, I would definitely like that. However, before I can reply, Tee snaps from the front seat, "Don't you dare do that with Tae and me in the car. You aren't the only ones that have pent up urges that need to be let loose. We were at about the same spot as you two were, when Mom and Dad called. So, don't you dare do anything where I have to listen to you."

I huff, "It isn't any different than what Detrick and I had to hear the last time we were at your parents' house. You guys were having sex in the room next to ours, in case you forgot."

I think this would make us even. However, I know that Detrick wouldn't ever do anything like that in the car in front of Tae and Tee. Detrick is too shy, which is all right by me. What he doesn't know is that we will be picking up right where we left off as soon as we are alone again. I don't care where we are at.

Detrick adds, "Yeah. Do you know how hard it was to have Dean laying next to me and hear that? I was so nervous to begin with and then I had to hear all those moans and screams. I thought that I was going to die from embarrassment."

Tae chuckles and shakes his head. "I have already apologized for that. Honestly, I forgot that you two were in the room next to ours. But if I'm being perfectly honest, even if I had remembered, it wouldn't have changed a thing. I love to hear Tee's voice while we have sex. I wouldn't want him to hold in any moan or scream."

Detrick buries his head into my chest. I can't tell what his expression is, since it is dark, but I don't need to see it. I'm pretty sure that he is blushing and a little bit embarrassed. This is not something that he talks about too much.

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