Chapter 33

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Detrick POV

There are too many things happening all at once and I can't process any of it. However, my body is yearning for Dean's touch and his luscious lips. The same lips that I keep dreaming about and wanting.

I can't wait any longer. I have to have taste those lips again.

I quickly turn around, with Dean's arms still around my waist, and slam my lips against his. A warmth slowly spreads across my body as my arms wrap around Dean's neck. This is just as amazing as it was last night in my apartment before we were interrupted. However, I don't think that there is anything that can interrupt us now.

Dean's hands grab a hold of my body as if he is afraid that someone will take me away.

My body savors every touch, including his warm lips. Suddenly, goosebumps explode across my entire body as his hand brushes across my butt. I can't contain the whimper that escapes my mouth when his hand begins to knead my butt.

I can't describe what is happening to me. I should be afraid, but all I can think is that I want more. Yes, I need more of him.

My hands rake through his hair as I pull with all my might to get him even closer to me. However, we are already plastered against each other, but somehow, I need to be closer. I need our bodies to unite and become one.

As I'm lost in my all the emotions flooding my body, I suddenly realize that I'm in the air as Dean is carrying me and walks further into his apartment. I don't care where he is taking me. I just want to be with him.

I don't want to let go of his lips, but he pulls his head away from mine. I immediately whine, "More...." In my need to connect my lips back with his, I lean my head towards him.

However, I'm met with his husky voice instead. "Hold on, babe. I need to see where I'm going."

I don't care if he can see or not. I just want him.

Not being able to reconnect our lips, I look down and my attention stops at his inviting neck. I don't know what is going on, but without hesitating, I latch onto him.

Dean's steps faulter a little bit as a low moan fills my ears, "Ahhh... Baby...."

I don't even care that I don't know what I'm doing. As long as I can continue to get those glorious sounds from Dean, I don't care.

As soon as Dean's steps continue, he moves a little faster.

My thoughts are interrupted when Dean stops and lays me down on the bed. I release my hold on his neck and a smile immediately pops onto my face as I see a couple hickeys on his neck. I didn't even know that I could do that, but I like it. I like it a lot. Just the thought of Dean having my mark on him has my desire surging once again.

With his arms resting on either side of me, Dean looks into my eyes and I instantly melt. I see so much love and desire. I never knew that anyone could love me this much.

My eyes are drawn to Dean's tongue as it pokes out of his mouth and slowly glides across his lips. So, inviting.

I don't wait for Dean to make the first move. I need those lips again.

I lean my head off the bed trying to reach Dean lips. However, he pulls back slightly just out of my reach and softly asks, "Are you sure? I don't think that I can stop once I start."

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