Chapter 24

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Detrick POV

This has both a long weekend, but also a thrilling one. I met so many of my family and I couldn't be happier. I finally met my grandparents along with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Tee was right about Uncle Ted. I still can't believe it. Uncle Ted along with his kids were so rude to me. One of them even said that I should go disappear again. However, Dean gave them a look. I'm not really sure what it was like, since he kept his back towards me, but my cousin didn't say anything about that again. Actually, my cousin looked like they were afraid of what Dean would do. Well, it wasn't just Dean, but Tae too.

Dean and Tae had a couple 'talks' with Uncle Ted and his family. Each time, my grandparents along with my parents would 'help' with the discussion. I can only imagine what they said, or should I say threaten, but by the end of the weekend, Uncle Ted and his family kept a smile on their faces and kept the snarky comments to themselves.

Even though I enjoyed meeting my family and that time seemed to go by too fast, it was the nights that seemed to drag on forever. It isn't that I didn't like it. No. I'll have to confess that I enjoyed spending my nights with Dean. The problem is that I got so nervous when it was just Dean and me. I didn't know what to say and I kept stumbling over my words when I did speak.

However, Dean didn't seem to mind. Instead, he seemed to enjoy my stuttering and bumbling with words. I don't remember how many times he said cute, but it was so hard for me. The time seemed to go at a super slow speed.

I still don't understand why I had such a hard time with Dean. However, when I would finally get to sleep, I slept soundly and each morning, I work up in Dean's arms.

Well, I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy finding myself in his arms each morning. No, I was shocked more than anything. Never in my life have I been able to sleep having anyone touch me. I don't know why, but that is just how I am.  However, I don't seem to have that problem with Dean. No. Instead, I can sleep soundly with my head resting on his chest.

Oh, what is happening to me?

I finish putting the last of my clothes in my bag as Dean walks out of the bathroom and chimes, "When are we leaving today? Do I need to get my things packed already?"

Still looking at my bag while I zip it up, I shake my head. "I'm not sure. Tae didn't say exactly when we were going to head back. I'm just making sure that I'm ready whenever Tae says that we are going."

As I finish my sentence, I look up and my breath instantly hitches.

Dean is standing near the bathroom door looking at me while only wearing a towel. His bare chest on full display as water droplets slowly cascade down his tan skin. My eyes catch a few droplets tracing along Dean's firm muscles.

I can't control myself as I lick my lips. He looks so hot.

Wait. What am I thinking?

I try to tear my eyes away from Dean's bare chest, but I can't. No matter how hard I try, my eyes keep roaming across his body.

Suddenly, imagines of the last two mornings of me sleeping on his chest pop into my head. Oh, is it getting hot in here?  Yes.  Yes, it is.

Dean smirks and slowly begins to walk towards me. "Do you like what you see?"

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