Chapter 25

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I estimate that I'm about 3/4 of the way through this book.  I hate to think about the ending, but I can't put it off forever.  I wanted to keep you posted where we are at for the story.  :)

Detrick POV

Okay. Maybe letting Dean come up to my apartment wasn't the smartest thing. Well, I'm not complaining, but I still wasn't fully over the kiss that we had at my parent's house. It didn't take him long to try and kiss me again. For some strange reason, I wasn't even fighting him or protesting, but Dee came back to the apartment right as Dean was trying to kiss me again. She shut him down so fast that it nearly made my head spin. 

It didn't take him long to leave the apartment. I was glad that he left, but the look on Dee's face made me wish that Dean was still there.

It didn't take long for Dee to drill me.

Dee looks at me from head to toe. "Is this the first time that he has tried to kiss you? Don't lie to me. You know that I can always tell when you are lying."

I fidget with the hem of my shirt and timidly shake my head.

Dee's eyes widen. "No, he has tried to kiss you or has kissed you before?"

Oh, why is she acting like this? I'm not a 2-year-old child. I'm an adult and I'm old enough that if I want to kiss someone I can.

I take a deep breath. "He kissed me this morning in my room at my parent's house."

Dee slowly raises one eyebrow and asks, "Does Tee know about this?"

I shake my head. "No. I haven't really had a chance to talk to him. He dropped me and Dean off outside. Dean was supposed to go home, but he carried my bags up to the apartment for me."

Dee smirks. "And we see how that turned out or should I say, almost turned out." She looks me over from head to toe again. "So, how do you feel about it and Dean? I could tell by what I saw that you didn't push him away."

I shake my head. "I don't know. That is the hard part."

Why does this have to be so hard? Can't there just be some sort of flashing sign that could tell us that we are meant for each other or not? I wouldn't have to think if that was the case.

Dee crossing her arms over her chest and sighs. "Well, let's start with some of the easy questions. First, did you like or dislike having Dean around?"

I smile. "I like having him around. I feel comfortable around him."

Dee nods her head. "Okay. Second, do you like or dislike when Dean touches you?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I guess I like it."

Dee nods her head again. "Great. We are getting somewhere. Third, did you like or dislike when he kissed you, and did you want to continue the kiss?"

My smile gets wider. Is it getting hot in here? I begin to fan myself, as I reply, "Well, I'll have to say that I might have liked it when Dean kissed me. I definitely wanted to kiss him more. If it wasn't for Tee knocking on the door, I don't know when it would have stopped."

Man, it is really hot in here.

I rub the back of my neck as my face gets even warmer. I can't believe that I'm talking with Dee about this. However, I'm actually happy to talk about it with someone. I still don't think that I can talk to Tee about it, because I think he might do something to Dean.

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