Chapter 37

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry that it is a little short and that it took so long.  I just haven't been able to write lately.  My life is a little busy right now.  


Even though I'm very concerned about what Uncle Ted is planning on doing to Detrick, I couldn't help but silently chuckle at Tee as he lectured Dean about going too far and being too rough with Detrick. I don't know if he forgot about our first time. If my memory is correct, Tee was in much worse shape than Detrick is. I'm also sure that my cousin held back, even if it was only a little bit. I'm not saying that Dean and I are the same, but what I can say is that we both love and can't get enough of our boyfriend. I can see it in Dean's eyes every time Dean looks at Detrick. The one thing that is very different from my situation with Tee and Dean's situation with Detrick is that Detrick is so pure and innocent. Detrick has never done anything before. I'm sure that that played a big part in Dean holding back. However, he couldn't completely control himself.

I look across the table at Detrick, who is finally out of bed. However, he is moving rather slow. Tee had insisted on coming back later with supper, but I know that it was just a ploy to give Tee the chance to scold Dean when he got back from work.

I, on the other hand, am glad that we have a chance to talk face-to-face regarding this situation with Uncle Ted. I'm sure that Dean has more information about Uncle Ted, and I would rather handle this talking to each other instead of over the phone.

I take a bite of my food as I look around the table. I'm not sure exactly where the start. There are so many things that we need to talk about, but which is the most important.  As I continue to think about everything and try make a decision, I take another bite of my food.

As I'm chewing my food, Dean looks around the table and states, "Well, I think they have figured out what good old Uncle Ted is up to." He sighs and continues. "It appears that he thinks that Detrick is going to take some of the money that would have went to him. The crazy part is that, from what I've seen, Uncle Ted wasn't going to be getting anything from his brother anyway."

Tee huffs, "Uncle Ted isn't going to get any money from any of his brothers or sisters when they pass away, especially my father. Father has no time for Uncle Ted, and this is only making it worse. The stupid part is that Uncle Ted doesn't realize it."

I have to agree with Tee. I haven't been around Uncle Ted too much. I think I've seen him only a couple of times, but he has always given me the impression of someone who thinks that he is all that and more. Besides the fact that he thinks that people should bow down to him, his mightier than though attitude really rubs me the wrong way. However, what really has pushed me to really hate Uncle Ted is the fact that Uncle Ted would try to actually harm Detrick, who hasn't done anything to anyone.

I have already told my friends to make sure that all the engineering students know who Tee's cousins are. Knowing that Uncle Ted's kids are just like their father doesn't make things sit well with me. If the father is willing to do something to Detrick and maybe Tee, then I'm sure that his kids will try to do something too. Ugh.... That family needs to be taught a lesson, and fast.

I turn my attention towards Dean. "Do we have any idea what the twisted idiot's plan is? As for the university, I have already had my guys send out the notification to keep an eye out for the kids. I know that they don't go to our university, but I wouldn't put it past them to try and come here to get to Detrick. I still don't know what they would even do, but I'm sure whatever they would do that it would be just as stupid as anything that their father would do."

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