Chapter 31

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Dean POV

Well, I knew from the family celebration that Detrick's uncle Ted was a real big loser, but I didn't know exactly how much of a loser until after tonight's discussion. It appears that Uncle Ted doesn't like it that Porsche and June have another son. In some weird twisted way of thinking, Uncle Ted sees Detrick as a threat to whatever Ted thinks that Porsche and June will give him. I don't know where that idea came from.

Porsche has said several times that him and his siblings don't help out with anything when it comes to Ted. However, Ted believes that his family owes him something. What, I really don't know. Personally, I think Ted has a few screws loose if you ask me.

The problem is that now Ted has begun to make some moves towards Detrick. However, he doesn't realize exactly who Tae and I are, which is his big mistake.

Even though Porsche and his siblings don't help financially with Ted, they learned a long time ago that it is best to monitor what he does. So, for years, the siblings have kept close tabs on what Ted is doing and when necessary, they warn their parents.

However, this time, the siblings discovered that Ted doesn't like the fact that the long-lost son has returned. I'm still lost in how that has any impact on Ted and his family, but in his mind, it does.

After sitting and listening to everything and giving both Tee and Detrick's phones to their father's men to put tracking software and some spyware on them. I understand why they are doing it, but I don't feel too comfortable with my future father-in-law being able to read my messages to Detrick.

I give Tae a look while the people are describing how the software works. I can instantly see that he has the same look in his eyes as I do. Well, I guess we will be going to the mall tomorrow and getting some new phones for Tee and Detrick. We will put tracking software on it too, but I'm not going to put any spyware stuff on it. I don't need anyone but Detrick seeing the messages that I send him. I'm so glad that I haven't sent anything too steamy so far, but it is only a matter of time before I do.

As soon as Porsche lets us go, Tae, Tee, Detrick and I head straight upstairs and to our bedrooms. However, we first all head to Tee's bedroom first.

As soon as we enter the room, I shut the door and ask, "Tae, are you going to call your dad and let him know what is going on?"

Tae sighs and looks at Tee lovingly. "Yes. I'm not going to let anything happen to my baby." A small smile spreads across Tae's face, but it is also filled with concern and anger.

I wrap my arm around Detrick's waist. "I'll call my dad too. I don't think Uncle Ted is prepared for what he has started." I turn my head towards Detrick and whisper, "Sorry. I hate doing anything like this to your family, but if your uncle tries to harm you in anyway, I'm left with no choice."

Detrick frowns and nods his head as he wraps his arms around me. "I know. I just met him, but I already don't like him or his family. You don't know what his kids were saying to me. I didn't want to cause more problems than there already was that day, but by the time his son, Ned, stopped talking, I wanted to punch him. I have never in my life wanted to hit someone so much in my life."

Well, if Ned is anything like Ted, I can definitely image what terrible things that he said to Detrick. Just the thought of what Ned could have said has my blood boiling. UGH... You would have thought the threats that Porsche made that day would have stopped all this nonsense, but it just goes to show that Ted isn't all there.

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