Chapter 42

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it. 

There will be one more chapter after this and then the story will be done.  If you are expecting a big blow-up with Uncle Ted, I'm sorry to say that I didn't go that far.  However, I hope it isn't too disappointing.  

I want to take a moment and thank everyone for reading my story and making it to the end.  I do read all your comments and even if I'm too busy to reply, I enjoy them so much.  They often give me inspiration to continue writing.  I love you guys and you have no idea what it means to me to have people reading and liking my stories.  Thank you so much.

Dean POV

I'm not going to lie. The last few days have been really rough. Detrick pouted for a whole day after him and Tee caught Tae and I talking about everything without them. I thought since Detrick had originally let it go that we would be back to normal, but that didn't quite happen.

That night, even though we were both still sleeping on the same bed, Detrick made sure that he was as far away from me a possible. I yearned to be right next to him, but he wouldn't let me get close to him. He kept telling me that that was my punishment for breaking my promise.

It was pure torture. I couldn't sleep most of the night and my body wanted to touch and hold Detrick, but Detrick wouldn't allow it.

Even when I thought things would go back to normal in the morning, Detrick still wouldn't let me touch him. UGH!!!!

This was the first time since I've started dating Detrick that I went to the office in such a disheveled mess. My hair was all over the place because I couldn't stop myself from pulling at it in frustration. My eyes were red from lack of sleep and I'm not even going to mention the bags under my eyes. I was even afraid to think about what people thought when they looked at me. All I know is that I didn't look like the president of the company.

I blink a couple times as I try to focus on my computer. However, no matter what I try, I just can't keep my concentration. I maybe looking at the screen and trying to review the reports, but my mind is just not here. It keeps wondering back to Detrick. I hope that he is done with my punishment. I don't think that I can live through another night like last night.

Frustrated, I run my hand through my hair. What am I going to do if he is still pouting? I have to find a way for him to get past this.

I look at the clock and it is only 1pm. This day seems to be dragging on and on. At this rate, I don't think the workday will ever end.

Suddenly, I realize that Detrick was going to have an open afternoon. The university was doing something in the building where all his classes are held this afternoon, and the university had cancelled all afternoon classes.

I quickly glance through my schedule and I breath a sigh of relief when I notice that I don't have any meetings this afternoon. Well, at this point, I don't think it would have mattered if I did have any meetings. I probably would have just re-scheduled them anyway.

I don't even take the time to organize my desk. I jump from my chair, as I frantically save all my documents on my computer. I don't want to waste another minute. I still don't know exactly what I'm going to do to convince Detrick to forgive me, but I'm sure I can think of something.

I dash out of my office and yell over my shoulder to my assistant as I run to the elevator, "I'm taking the afternoon off." I don't think that I need to add anything else. I'm sure that they have figured out what is going on.

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