Chapter 5: Lunchtime

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6th Week of School...


What a morning this has been so far...

I expect school to be part of my daily routine by now, wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, then take a nap as soon as I get back home. What I didn't expect to happen was for me to completely miss my alarm and I wake up 30 minutes before class starts!

Without thinking once I see the time, I jump out of bed, dress up into my clothes then rush out the door without thinking twice.

I put my earphones in to try to calm myself down but once I check my phone and see that i'm going to be late I start running again even If I already feel tired. Why couldn't have I just woken up on time for once?!

As I've mentioned I'm never a morning person and try to sleep for as long as I can manage, getting less than 8 hours of recharge time I act like a zombie throughout the day. I'm not usually punctual but I still manage to wake up and get ready on time, maybe I overslept because I was doing late night math review...

With heavy breathes I finally make it to the front doors, and start to relax a bit. Around me I see students who are taking their time not caring if they're late or not, but unlike them I don't want this in my attendance record.

I head up to my locker to put away my things and get my books as I start to head to my class, thinking I might actually make it on time, but then the bell goes off.


I start rushing down the stairs in my chaotic state and make it to my class in a matter of seconds. As I enter I see my teacher Ms. Newton explaining our lessons, not wanting to be rude and disrupt her I stand at the door waiting for her to finish.

This is my first time ever being late to class before, maybe If I apologize she'll let it slide...

Once Ms. Newton turns to face me, I apologize for my tardiness and she excuses me to my seat saying that class was just getting started anyway.

It's good that the situation has been settled, but I don't think I'll ever live down the embarrassment of this. I settle down into my seat and listen as the teacher is explaining our work. Once we start I hear my stomach growl and realized I forgot to eat breakfast...I start feeling down wishing I had something to eat but nonetheless continue to work as if I was fine.

The bell goes for our next class and as disoriented as I feel I exit the classroom and head to math, I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder, startled I turn around to Dante looking slightly concerned. He hands me a water bottle and without saying anything else he leaves as I lose sight of him in the crowds of students.

Not food, but something I could live off least until lunch.

Classes went as usual, work, lectures, more work. Something I'm trying to get used to after finding school easy for so long in elementary. I guess this is what it feels like to be in an advanced program.

Exhausted as I can be, lunch is actually going to be a bit different today, Maria, Irene and I are going to buy lunch outside of school at Burger place. Not the fancy gourmet place expected for students at Oakshore but the food beats eating whats in the cafeteria right now on an empty stomach.

We meet each other at the front of the school and start walking to the fast-food restaurant that's minutes away. During the walk we discuss our classes and thoughts about school so far.

"Have you all been meeting new people?" Irene asks

"Yes. I have been"


Both claim to have branched out to meet others while I stay quiet, I'm an introverted person so I never put a lot of effort in making a lot of friends since I already have great ones. Speaking of Friends though, I haven't seen the student's from my old school since I got here, it's already been a few weeks but no trace of them. I never kept in contact with them but I'm still hoping I run into one of them soon.

"By the way, Kiara did I tell you about this really cute guy I saw in the hallway? He's so handsome! I saw him on our first day and he looked at me." Mari exclaims in excitement.

You may think no one actually talks like this, but I can assure you there is always someone. No harm in Maria crushing on a few guys since I love her bubbly personality, but I kind of tune out once she starts talking about them, not intentionally but I still happen to since I can't contribute to the discussion because I don't like anyone anyway. This guy she's talking about I probably don't even know.

Maria moved to our grade school just last year, and despite the short time we've spent together we're really close. We have such different types of personalities but we all get along really well together, and i'm glad. I was always opened to making new friends before, maybe I changed perspectives.

"Kiara, are you there? You've been zoning out for a while now..." Irene explains curious about what I could possibly be thinking about.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now, don't worry let's just go and eat."

She shrugs it off and we continue to walk while talking, disappointingly I have no classes with them either, but i'm still managing well without them.

Once we arrive at the burger joint someone from our school walks up from behind me and holds the door open for us as we enter. I politely thank the student and go inside to buy our food.

Having a big appetite I order a cheeseburger and fries, as well as an extra bag of fries for my brother and go to sit down to eat. Waiting for Irene and Mar to order I look around and accidentally make eye-contact with the student we had run into earlier. He looks familiar in a sense with his jet black hair and dark blue eyes...but I can't seem to wrap my finger around it. I've been told I have very good observant skills for someone who doesn't socialize a lot, but it's easier to do than a lot of people think. He looks away and stands up from his seat as Mari and Irene come with their food.

By the time we're finished eating we start packing up and walk back to the school, I hear a shutter go off and thinking it was someone taking a selfie who didn't have their phone on silent, I don't pay too much attention to it, and walk to join Mari outside.

The outdoor walks helps clear my head a lot when I stress about certain things, and being here with my friends made it much more relaxing. I'm glad I have them to rely on and hopefully along with Irene and Mari...

With being in school all day, this was a nice day to change to the daily routine up a bit to do something fun, despite to my late start to the day I managed to make up for it by buying myself lunch.

But even with the great first weeks of High School I have had, for some odd reason I feel like something really bad is about to happen...It's probably my imagination though.

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