Chapter 29: Are you Ready?

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January 9th, 2019...

With exams only two weeks away, the five of us including myself had agreed to sleep over at my house to study for the next few days so we don't all fail.

Knowing that each of us specialize in different things, I has established a deal with everyone that we would be helping each other with our weakest subjects, and so far I think we can all do well if this plan works out.

Since Jake and Dante lived on the campus dorms, he drove us straight to my house after school and they helped out with the preparations needed before everyone else had arrived.

About an hour after cleaning my basement and talking with each other about our exams, Chris arrives with my mom from his schooling.

Delighted to see Jake and Dante, they greet them excitedly and they politely say Hi to both of them.

My family had four security cameras  in the house, so of course I had asked them for permission to have the study session before everything was settled and luckily they had agreed. If I promised that I could watch Chris while we were downstairs, which I was happy to oblige.

Chris happily runs to hug Jake and I giggle softly as he does his "secret handshake" with Dante. Seeing how well Dante gets along with my family members puts a huge smile on my face as I see how nice he is towards them, he does have an older brother who I see sometimes, but I don't have enough social skills to be as friendly as he is.

Once everything was settled we head downstairs to the basement and we set up the books and equipment for Irene, Mari and Andrew's arrival.

Earlier this week, I had met with each person individually to see which subjects they wanted help in the most, the ones they could help everyone else in and organized a study to rotate off of each hour.

The first page:


Strength(s): Math, (+French)
Repetition/Practise needed: Music, P.E
Weaknesses: English

Who to work with for what:
English - Irene
Music - Dante
P. E - Jake

Strength: English, Geography
Repetition/Practise Needed: Drama
Weakness(s): French

Who to work with:
Drama: Jake
French: Me

Strengths: Music,
Repetition/Practise Needed: Wood-shop
Weaknesses: French, Math.

Who to Work with for help:
Wood-Shop: Jake
Math: Me
French: Irene

Strengths: Science, French
Practise/Repetition Needed: Art
Weaknesses: Geography

Who to Work with For Help:
Art: Andrew
Geography: Mari

Strengths: Art,
Repetition Needed: Math, French
Weaknesses: Science,

Who to Work with for Help:
Math: Me
Science: Irene
French: Jake

Strengths: Wood-shop, Drama
Repetition/Practise Needed: Math
Weakness: History

Who to work with for help:
Math: Me
History: Andrew


I had a bunch of other notes in my trusty old clipboard 📋

But this shows the main idea of our whole schedule. We use our strengths to help those who need, practise and revise with those who are near the same level as us and have someone teach and help you with what your weakest subject is. With hours of finalizing a list, I had successfully done it!

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