Midnight snack

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"You got the wand?" The dwarf asked as the sky lit up from the lightening.
"Yes." The hag laughed, showing him the wand.
"Perfect." The dwarf laughed. "Now all we need is one drop of Adam's blood."
The hag smirked. "Don't worry, I have a plan." She said.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." The hag spat. "We'll do it tomorrow night. It's too late to do it tonight."
The dwarf frowned. "It's not even midnight yet!" He exclaimed.
"I don't care." The hag said. "We do it tomorrow, and that's that."


"What's up?" Peter asked as he sat on the edge of Edmund's bed, in his pajamas, ready for bed.
Edmund sighed. "Can't sleep." He mumbled, sitting up slowly.
"How come?" Peter said softly. "Is it the thunder?" He asked, almost as soon as the sky and the room were lit up by lightening.
Edmund shook his head, biting his lip as he stared at his brother.
"Oh." Peter whispered after a while, clocking on. "It's gonna be fine Ed." He reassured his brother. "I promise."
Edmund sighed, looking down at his lap as he fiddled with the blanket. "You don't know that." He choked.
"Edmund come on." Peter sighed. "She can't come back unless she has one drop of Adam's blood. You know that."
"I know." Edmund said, swallowing hard. "It's just, I still can't help but worry."
Peter nodded slowly. "I know this is hard for you Ed." He said loudly over the next rumble of thunder. "But you just gotta have faith."
Edmund hesitantly nodded. "Yeah." He choked. 
"Now, why don't you try and get some sleep?" Peter suggested. "You're exhausted."
Edmund sighed. "I'll try." He muttered, lying back down again.
Peter nodded, hugging his brother before he lay down. "Sleep tight." He whispered before returning to his own bed.
He watched as Edmund turned onto his side, facing the wall before he pulled the covers over him and closed his eyes.


Peter's eyes shot open when there was a defening rumble of thunder. He groaned slightly, glancing at the clock. 3 am. The storm was still going on! Sighing he slowly sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes.
He turned his head to check on his brother, only to find his bed empty. A book lay open on the pillow and a candle burned on the beside table.
Peter frowned, his heart skipping a beat as he felt a wave of worry wash over him.
Without hesitating he jumped out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown. Throwing it on quickly he slipped his feet into his slippers and grabbed the candle.
As quickly as he could he left the room, walking down the corridors, hoping that he'd find his brother. "Ed?" He whispered. No answer. "Edmund?" He said again as he opened the door to the library, checking inside, but Edmund wasn't there.
He checked the living room, the dining room, the throne room, the ball room - But still couldn't find him.
Sighing he opened the door to the kitchens, holding the candle out in front of him so he could actually see. "Ed?" He whispered, closing the door behind him. "Edmund you in here?"
"Pete?" Came a voice.
Peter sighed in relief as he spotted his brother, stood staring at him. "What an earth are you doing down here?" Peter asked.
Edmund sighed. "I was hungry." He shrugged.
Peter smirked. "You're always hungry." He laughed.
Edmund smiled a little.
"You know it's three in the morning though right?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow.
Edmund nodded slowly, hesitating.
Peter frowned. "Tell me you've slept?" He asked as the kitchen was lit up by lightening.
Edmund sighed and shook his head. "I couldn't." He mumbled.
Peter bit his lip. "Have you had something to eat?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head. "I've only recently got down here."
Peter nodded. "Well." He said with a smile. "I'm just as hungry as you."
Edmund smirked. "I was thinking maybe - cake?" He said.
"You read my mind." Peter laughed, placing the candle down before searching through the cupboards. "Where did Susan put that cake she made?!" He exclaimed.
"She's gonna kill us." Edmund said, eyebrow raised.
"Not if she doesn't find out it was us." Peter said.
Edmund laughed as he shook his head.
"Ah ha!" Peter said, pulling out a chocolate cake Susan had only recently made. Placing it down he grabbed a knife.
"We're as good as dead." Edmund smirked as Peter cut into the cake.
"She won't mind." Peter said, but even he sounded unsure.
Handing Edmund a slice he cut himself one before biting into it. "She sure makes good cakes though." He smirked.
Edmund nodded with a laugh, biting into his own slice. They both jumped when there was a rumble of thunder, causing them both to laugh afterwards.
"We should probably go back to bed." Peter said once they'd finished.
Edmund nodded. "Probably." He muttered.
"Come on." Peter said, quickly putting the cake (with two slices taken out of it) back in the cupboard before grabbing the candle and heading for the door.
Edmund followed his brother all the way back up to their room, where once there he sat back on his bed, glancing out the window when there was another flash if lightening. "How long is this storm gonna go on for?" He said with a laugh.
Peter smirked as he placed the candle on the bedside table before taking off his dressing gown. "I was about to ask the same thing." He chuckled.
Edmund smiled as he lay down, placing his book on the beside table before pulling the blanket over him with a sigh.
"Night." Peter said.
Edmund stared at him for a moment, a look on his face that Peter could easily read.
Nodding slightly he climbed into bed beside his brother.
"Thanks." Edmund smiled sheepishly.
"No problem." Peter whispered, wrapping his arm around Edmund's shoulders as Edmund curled in on himself and placed his arm around Peter's waist.
Peter waited for a moment, and just as he expected, Edmund fell asleep within five minutes.
Smiling, he tightened his grip slightly before drifting off to sleep himself.


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