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Peter sighed as his eyes opened slowly. Glancing at the clock told him that is was half four in the morning. Groaning, he slowly climbed out of bed. They'd decided yesterday to have an early start, thinking it would get them there quicker.
Creeping across the room Peter knelt down by his brother's bed, staring at Edmund for a moment before gently shaking his shoulders. "Ed." He whispered.
Edmund frowned in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open slowly. "Pete?" He asked, looking rather confused.
"Get ready Ed." Peter said simply. "We're leaving soon."
Edmund clearly hesitated but in the end climbed out of bed, although he looked like he was going to fall back to sleep.
"We'll get ready, have something to eat, and then go and say goodbye to the girls." Peter said as the two got changed.
"Isn't it a bit early to wake them up?" Edmund asked. "It's twenty to five."
"They'd kill us if we left without saying goodbye!" Peter said with a grin.
Edmund laughed a little. "I suppose." He said.
Once the two boys were ready - except for their crowns which they had obviously decided to leave behind - they headed out of the room and down to the dining room, where to their complete surprise the table was layed, with toast and stuff in the middle.
"Who an earth's up at this time of the morning?" Edmund muttered.
Peter shrugged. "No idea-" He said.
They both jumped though when Mrs beaver walked into the room, smiling up at them both.
"Oh Mrs beaver!" Peter said, looking rather shocked. "Why are you up so early?"
Mrs beaver gave a small laugh. "Well, can't be expecting you to make your own breakfast can we?" She said.
"We could've done it." Peter said.
"Oh I know." Mrs Beaver nodded. "But I woke up early and had nothing better to do."
"Well thank you." Peter said with a smile.
"No need to thank me dear." Mrs Beaver said cheerfully. "I've also made you some muffins for your journey." She added. "I'll go and get them now, they should be just about ready." And with that she waddled out of the room.
Peter glanced at Edmund with a small laugh as he sat down at the table.
Edmund shook his head in an amused way, sitting beside his brother.
"Toast?" Peter said.
Edmund stared at him.
"Ed." Peter sighed. "It's a long journey, you're gonna need something before we leave."
"But we've packed food for the journey." Edmund mumbled.
"I know Ed but you need to eat something now." Peter sighed.
"Why?" Edmund said. "I'm not hungry."
Peter sighed. "I told you this the other day Edmund. It's not because you're not hungry, it'll be because of the spell." He said. "Which is why you need to eat, even if you don't want to."
Edmund sighed but grabbed a piece of toast, covered it with butter and began eating.
Peter gave him a small nod before he began eating himself, keeping an eye on his brother to make sure he ate enough.
After five minute Mrs beaver came back into the room, a small bag in her paws. "Here you go dears." She said with a smile, handing the bag to Peter. "It's got food and drink for you, and those muffins are in there too."
"Thank you Mrs beaver." Peter said, smiling back.
"When are you leaving?" Mrs beaver asked.
"As soon as we've said goodbye to Susan and Lucy." Peter answered.
Mrs Beaver nodded. "Well, stay safe." She said. "I best be off, Mr beaver will be awake soon and will be wondering where I am."
"Thank you again Mrs beaver." Peter called after her as she left the room. Turning back to his brother he bit his lip. "How much have you eaten?" He asked.
Edmund sighed. "One and a half pieces of toast." He muttered.
Peter nodded slowly. "Eat an apple." He said.
"Peter." Edmund groaned.
"Edmund." Peter said firmly.
"Fine." Edmund gave in and grabbed an apple.
"Come on, let's say goodbye to the girls." Peter said as he stood from the table.
Edmund followed - chewing on his apple - as they headed up to the girls room.
"It's quater past five." Edmund muttered.
"I know but-" Peter didn't finish his sentence but reached the girls room and opened the door.
To their complete surprise both Susan and Lucy were sat on Lucy's bed, Lucy curled up in Susan's arms.
But the second she saw her brothers she hopped off the bed and ran across the rooms, before flinging her arms around Edmund's neck, causing him to drop his apple and stagger backwards a bit.
Peter put his hand on his back to steady him as Edmund wrapped his arms around Lucy, swallowing hard as his eyes closed.
"Please be careful." Lucy whispered.
"I will Lu." Edmund choked. "I - I - Promise."
"Promise me you'll come back?" Lucy asked.
Edmund said nothing.
"Ed?" Lucy said as she pulled away and looked up at Edmund. "Promise me you'll come back!"
Edmund stared at his little sister. "I-" He sighed, looking down at the floor. "I can't promise you that Lu." He mumbled.
Lucy's eyes filled with tears as Susan came over and stood beside Peter, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why not?!" Lucy exclaimed.
Edmund shook his head. "Because if I don't come back then I would've broke my promise." Edmund said.
"You will come back Ed." Susan said softly.
Edmund sighed and slowly let go of Lucy, walking over to Susan and wrapping his arms around her. "Bye." He choked.
Susan took a deep breath. "See you soon." She said, forcing a smile.
Edmund only nodded as he slowly pulled away, allowing his sisters to say goodbye to Peter.
"If we're not back in a week." Peter said. "Send a search party."
Susan nodded. "We will." She mumbled.
"Please let me come." Lucy sighed.
"No." Edmund said quickly. "There's no way I'm letting you anywhere near that witch!"
Lucy sighed but nodded anyway. "Just stay safe." She mumbled.
"We will." Peter nodded. "See you soon."
"Bye." Edmund choked.
"See ya." Susan said as she wrapped an arm around Lucy's shoulder.
Peter nodded before he and Edmund left the room, walked through the castle, out into the gardens and then through the gate leading into the woods.


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