Plan revealed

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"You should be back at Cair." Peted sighed. "With Susan and Lucy, at the party we planned for you, having fun and eating way to much cake." He added with a small smile.
Edmund smiled a little, resting his head against Peter's shoulder. "Keep going." He mumbled sleepily.
Peter smiled a bit more. "Of course you would've been woken up by Lucy shouting happy birthday and bounding onto your bed, at stupid o'clock in the morning. Then we'd all sit on one of our beds - doesn't matter who's - and you'd open all your presents before we'd go down and have breakfast. After breakfast we'd spend the afternoon playing games, having fun, then we planned a picnic in the woods, with all your favourite foods and drinks. Then more fun and the dinner - followed by cake, chocolate obviously - before the party starts. Cake, fun, dancing-"
Edmund pulled a face. "We'll leave that to Susan and Lucy." He mumbled.
Peter chuckled. "Probably best." He said. "You'd have so much fun, and by the end of the night you'd be falling asleep because of how exhausted you'd be."
Edmund let out a small laugh, moving closer to Peter and wrapping an arm around his waist. Peter smiled too and pulled Edmund close.
"We'd go upstairs, get into bed, talk about the day before finally falling to sleep." Peter finished with a sigh.
"Sounds like a great day." Edmund mumbled, his eyes closing.
"Happy birthday." Peter whispered in his ear.
"Hmm." Edmund sighed before he slowly fell asleep.
Peter tightened his grip on his brother, swallowing hard as his eyes filled with tears. That was what Edmund should be doing, but instead he was stuck here, locked away, in the witches dungeons and being tortured by Jadis...


Peter's head snapped up when the cell doors opened. It must be night time by now, seeming as it was alot darker than earlier.
Jadis had a small smirk on her face as she marched into the cell, her two minotaurs once again following behind her.
"What do you want?" Peted asked, tightening his grip on Edmund, who was still fast asleep.
"Wake Edmund." Jadis said simply but firmly.
Peter hesitated.
"Wake him now." Jadis said darkly. "Otherwise I will."
Peter swallowed hard but gently shook his brother. "Ed." He whispered. "Ed wake up."
Edmund groaned as his eyes flickered open. "Wha'?" He mumbled.
Peter said nothing and just gave him a worried look.
Edmund's eyes went slightly wider before he turned and saw Jadis, only to immediately shuffle backwards a bit, and closer to Peter. "It's okay." Peter whispered in his ears. "I've got you."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before glancing back at Jadis, who just rolled her eyes. "You're both going to come with me." She said.
Peter felt Edmund stiffen in his arms slightly when the witch said this.
"Don't worry." The witch laughed. "I'm only going to tell you what I plan on doing."
Peter frowned slightly. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" He spat.
"You don't." The witch said. "But also you don't have a choice." She added as she clicked her fingers.
The two minotaurs marched forward and grabbed both boys, unlocking the shackles around Edmund's ankles before pulling them both roughly to their feet.
"Come on then." Jadis said as she turned and marched out the cell.
Peter and Edmund were pushed along behind, and to Peter's worry he saw that Edmund was so weak that he was practically leaning against the minotaur and looked as though he'd fall over at any minute.
They were led down to the throne room where once there Jadis took her seat and Peter and Edmund were stood in front of her.
"Right then." The witch said. "My plan."
"Which is?" Peter said.
Jadis raised an eyebrow. "You, Edmund are now so weak you can hardly stand." She said, glancing at Edmund who was nearly kneeling on the floor at this point.
Peter swallowed hard and looked at his brother, who's eyes were now only half open.
"And I want to kill you." Jadis smirked. "So-" Here she stood and took a step towards Edmund. "I challenge you, Edmund, to a duel."
Edmund's eyes went wide. "W-What?" He choked.
Peter's eyes went wide as well. "He can't even stand let alone fight!" He said. "He can't even lift his arms let alone lift a sword!"
"Do I look like I care?!" Jadis snapped. "Edmund will fight me, and the fight will be to the death."
"I- I can't." Edmund said, voice cracking as he shook his head.
"You will!" Jadis screamed, grabbing Edmund's hair and forcing his head up.  "Otherwise-" She stopped talking and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look over at Peter instead. She nodded her head at the minotaur, who grabbed a dagger and pressed it to Peter's neck. "I'll kill your brother."
Edmund's eyes went wide. "No." He choked.
"Then accept." Jadis said. "Duel me."
"Edmund she'll kill you." Peter said, panicking. "Don't do it."
"Shut it." Jadis spat, staring at Peter before looking back at Edmund, tightening her grip on his chin. "So what will it be?" She asked. "Fight me, and Peter lives, or don't fight me and Peter dies."
Edmund stared at his brother and the knife pressed against his neck. Sighing, he swallowed hard. "Fine." He choked. "I'll fight you."
"Ed please no!" Peter said as the minotaur removed the knife.
"I have to Pete." Edmund said, shaking his head slightly.
"No you don't." Peter said.
"Take him back to the cell." The witch said, nodding at Peter.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Not without Edmund." He said quickly, shaking his head.
"Edmund's going to stay with me." Jadis smirked, not missing the terror in Edmund's eyes. "Until the duel tomorrow morning. I don't want you two coming up with some plan on how you can beat me."
Peter swallowed hard. "Don't hurt him." He choked.
"I can make no promises of that." Jadis laughed before nodding at the minotaur, who pulled Peter (struggling to get away) from the room, leaving Edmund with the white witch.


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