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"You two did well." The white witch told the hag and the dwarf.
The hag grinned. "So, what's the plan?" She asked eagerly. "We go back to Cair Paravel?"
"Oh no." Jadis almost laughed.
The hag cast a confused look at the dwarf who shrugged his shoulders. "But - your majesty, that is where the traitor is."
The witch nodded. "I know." She said. "But he'll come here."
"Um, no offense your majesty." The dwarf stuttered. "But do you really think he'd come here of all places if he knew you were here?"
The witch smirked. "Here's the plan." She said. "Edmund will keep getting weaker as the days go by, meaning I will get stronger. We'll leave it a few days before sending them a note - that's if they haven't figured out what's going on by then. Now, I understand you've made it so only Edmund can kill me?"
The hag nodded. "Yes your majesty. He has to kill you and only him."
"And if someone else kills me?" The witch asked curiously.
"Edmund will keep getting weaker until he dies." The hag replied.
The witch nodded slowly. "So, the note we send them will explain what's happened and that Edmund has to kill me himself. They'll come to the castle and that's when we take them, or rather take Edmund." Jadis paused for a moment before continuing. "We'll keep him locked up for a few days, make sure he's weak enough before challenging him to a duel."
"A duel?" The dwarf frowned.
"Between me and him." The witch smirked. "He has to kill me, and the only way to do that is to fight me. But by that time he'll already be too weak to fight, so therefore I kill him."
"But what of the stone table?" The hag asked.
"I've given up with the stone table." Jadis said hesitantly. "I'll kill him in the duel. His brother will be forced to watch."
"How are you so sure his brother will come here too?" The dwarf said.
"Oh I'm one hundred percent sure he'll come." Jadis smirked. "Within the next one or two weeks, Edmund will be dead."


"I thought I told Edmund to be back here for tea." Susan frowned as she, Peter and Lucy sat at the dinner table.
Peter sighed. "I'll go and see if I can find him." He mumbled before standing and leaving the room. He quickly ran outside, which is where Edmund said he was going. Shutting the door behind him he looked across the garden and spotted his brother.
He sighed when he did though, Edmund was curled up under one of the oak trees, fast asleep, his crown nearly falling off his head and one leg drawn up to his chest.
Biting his lip Peter slowly walked over and knelt in front of his brother. "Ed?" He whispered hesitantly. "Ed wake up."
Edmund groaned slightly as his eyes flickered open. He stared at his brother with a frown on his face, looking confused, but after a while he sighed. "Sorry." He mumbled, sitting up and placing his crown back properly on his head. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."
Peter gave him a sad look. "It's fine." He said slowly. "I just came to get you for tea."
Edmund nodded, yawning before taking a deep breath. "Good, I'm hungry." He said with a small smile.
Peter chuckled a little, helping Edmund to his feet before the two headed back inside.
Once they reached the dining room Peter opened the door and sat back down, followed by his brother, who sat between him and Susan.
"Sorry." Edmund sighed at the look on Susan's face. "I fell asleep."
Susan's face changed to an expression of understanding. "That's fine Ed." She said softly.
"I wasn't feeling tired until my scar started hurting though." Edmund mumbled suddenly. "Well, I was. But not tired enough to fall asleep." He added at seeing Peter raise his eyebrow.
Lucy frowned a little. "You scar was hurting?" She said, looking rather confused.
Edmund nodded. "Earlier yeah." He breathed.
"Why?" Lucy asked.
Edmund only shrugged.
"And then you felt tired afterwards?" Peter asked, a frown on his own face.
"Really tired." Edmund mumbled.
"Something's not right." Peter muttered.
"What?" Susan said.
"Well, Edmund's scar started hurting when it hasn't for nearly a week, and then he gets so tired afterwards that he actually falls asleep." Peter said.
Edmund stared at him, taking a deep breath. "Tell me it's not her." He choked out.
Peter hesitated, but after seeing the look on his little brothers face he quickly shook his head. "How can it be?" He said. "She's dead."
Edmund swallowed hard. "That didn't stop her from taking control of me though did it?" He said.
Peter took a deep breath. "It's not her Ed." He said firmly. "It's not."
Edmund nodded slowly, turning to his food with a sigh.
There was silence for a long while as they finished their dinner in silence.
"I'm going upstairs." Edmund mumbled once he'd done. "Read for a bit and relax and then have an early night."
Peter frowned a little but nodded. "See you in a bit." He mumbled.
Edmund nodded. "Hmm." Was his reply before he stood and left the room.
"Something's really not right!" Peter said as soon as he'd left.
"I agree with you." Susan sighed. "His scar starts hurting out of the blue and now he's tired. So tired he actually fell asleep and is having an early night."
"Maybe everything's just catching up with him?" Lucy suggested with a small shrug.
"Maybe." Peter mumbled. "Let's just keep an eye on him."
Susan nodded. "We will." She said.
Peter nodded. "I'm going up there with him." He said suddenly. "It'll give me a bit of time to get some work done too." He added with a sigh.
Susan nodded. "See you tomorrow." She said.
"Night." Lucy said, smiling slightly as she gave Peter a hug.
"See you tomorrow." Peter replied, hugging her back before leaving the room.


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