Did you lock the door?

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"Did you ask Edmund what he wanted for his birthday?" Susan asked as she, Peter and Lucy sat at the table eating breakfast the next morning. Edmund was still upstairs asleep.
"Yeah." Peter replied. "He didn't say though."
Susan chuckled. "What do you think he'd like?" She said.
"What you lot all talking about?" Edmund asked suddnely as he entered the room.
Lucy giggled. "You." She said innocently.
"Me?" Edmund grinned, sitting beside Peter. "Why would you wanna talk about me?"
Lucy giggled more. "We're talking about your birthday." She said.
"Ah." Edmund nodded, grabbing some toast.
"You're finaly gonna be a teenager." Susan smiled.
"Oh dear." Edmund said over dramatically, getting another giggle from his younger sister.
"Being a teenagers not that bad." Peter laughed.
Edmund smiled. "I suppose not." He said.
"What do you want?" Peter asked.
Edmund smiled. "I honestly don't mind." He said. "I'll be happy with whatever."
"Very specific aren't you?" Peter grinned.
"Yep." Edmund said, smiling at his brother.
"So, we'll get you whatever then." Susan said.
"But please, not anything stupid." Edmund said, rolling his eyes.
"Well, you said anything." Peter smirked.
Edmund sighed playfully, punching Peter lightly on the arm. "Idiot." He mumbled with a smile.


"It's definitely still in there?" Peter asked a guard who was standing outside the room where Jadis' wand was.
"It was still in there last time we checked." The centuar replied.
Peter glanced at his brother slightly, who was stood beside him.
"Open the door." Peter said. Everyday since they'd got back from the stone table he'd checked that Jadis' wand was still in the room - he wasn't taking any chances.
The centuar bowed and turned to unlock the door.
Pushing it open Peter stepped inside, hesitantly followed by his brother. "You know." Peter sighed. "You didn't have to come."
Edmund stared at him for a moment. "I - I need to know that there's no way she can come back." He mumbled. "I thought reassuring myself might help with nightmares."
Peter nodded. "Maybe." He mumbled before he closed the door and turned around. He was relieved to find the wand still there, placed on a table in the centre of the room.
"See, there's no way she can come back." Peter said, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund stared at the wand as he nodded, taking a deep breath.
The two stood there for a while before Peter saw Edmund's hand absent mindedly grip his stomach. "Ed?" He said slowly.
Edmund blinked back the tears as memories of Beruna flashed before his eyes before looking up at Peter. "Yeah?" He asked.
"You good?" Peter said warily.
Edmund hesitantly nodded. "Yeah." He breathed, looking back to the wand.
"Right." Peter mumbled. "We should probably head back upstairs. The girls will be wondering where we've gone."
Edmund nodded as Peter turned around and grabbed the door handle. Turning it he went to push it open, but to his confusment, it wouldn't budge.
"Edmund did you lock the door?" Peter asked, staring at his brother.
Edmund frowned. "I don't have the key." He said. "The centuar has it."
"What in the world." Peter muttered as he tried pushing the door open again, but it stayed closed. "The door's locked."
Edmund frowned even more. "But how?" He asked. "They wouldn't just lock us in here!"
Peter hit the door with his shoulder in an attempt to bust it open, but I didn't budge an inch. "Hello!?" He called, banging on the door. "Is anyone out there?!"
There was no answer and Peter began to worry. "Hello!" He shouted.
"Peter there's obviously no one out there." Edmund sighed.
"Well we'll just have to get someone's attention then won't we?" Peter muttered in reply. "Hello!"
Edmund sighed again as he sunk to the floor, leaning against the wall and staring at the wand.
Peter meanwhile banged on the door, calling for help, but no one came.
After five minutes he gave up and sat down beside Edmund, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "Perfect." He muttered sarcastically.
Edmund raised an eyebrow as if to say 'you think'. "Who do you reckon locked the door?" He asked after a moment.
"No idea." Peter said, shaking his head.
"Why-" But Edmund never got to finish his sentence for he was interrupted by a loud crack. He almost jumped out of his skin, and so did Peter.
Looking over at the other side of the room both brothers eyes went wide. A hag stood behind the wand, an evil smirk on her face. But that smirk disappeared when she spotted Peter and Edmund.
Peter quickly jumped to his feet, drawing his sword as he stepped in front of his brother, who slowly stood behind him.
"How did you get in here?" Peter asked.
The hag said nothing and just looked down at the wand.
Peter's heart skipped a beat and before he knew what he was doing he darted forward and grabbed the wand, just seconds before the hag did. "Nice try." Peter spat.
The hag glared at him. "You ruined my plan." She said darkly, taking a step forward.
Peter took a step back, gripping the wand tightly in his hand and his sword in his other hand, pushing Edmund behind him.
"This isn't over you know." The hag smirked. "I will get that wand and my Queen will live again!"
Peter felt Edmund tense behind him. "That's not going to happen." He said, shaking his head.
The hag laughed. "And the first thing my Queen will do is get rid of the little traitor." She said. "The one behind you."
Peter looked around at Edmund, who seemed to have frozen to the spot.
"And that's not going to happen either." Peter said firmly. "Because you won't live to do it!"
He darted forward, but before he could even reach the hag she'd clicked her fingers and disappeared.
Peter stopped dead, swearing under his breath as he sighed angrily. Running over to the door he tried the handle again, only to find it unlocked, much to his confusment. "Ed?" He asked.
Edmund stared at the spot where the hag had been, eyes wide. "She - She won't get the wand will she?" He asked his older brother.
"No Edmund." Peter said firmly. "She won't. Now come on, we need to tell the girls about this and then figure out what to do."
Edmund hesitantly nodded before running off after his brother.
Stepping out of the room he saw the Centaur who had been guarding the room unconscious on the floor.
Swallowing hard Peter turned to Edmund, the wand still held tightly in his hand. "Come on."
He muttered before the two dashed off through the corridors in search of their sisters.

A/N: Okay, alot of you guys are asking why can't this book be more about Peter rather than Edmund. The answer is because this series is based on Edmund's journey to defeating Jadis and forgiving himself. And everything I'm writing, the scenes where Edmund gets hurt (which alot of your are asking about), I write it for the brotherly moments between Peter and Edmund, those moments mean the world to me and I love writing them so much. It also shows how protective and caring Peter is towards Edmund.
So that's the answer to your questions and please don't ask again x

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