He's just a kid

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Edmund's eyes squeezed shut the moment she moved her hand. He held his breath, waiting.
But two seconds later that was an almighty crash and an annoyed sound from the witch.
Edmund cracked his eyes open and found himself staring at Peter's back.
Peter had finally managed to untie himself and had jumped in front of his brother, drawing his sword and holding it out in front of him.
Jadis glared at him. "The fight was between me and Edmund." She practically growled.
Peter swallowed hard. "Well, if you won't play fair, then neither will we." He spat before pushing Jadis backwards.
Edmund slowly sunk to the floor, his eyes closing for just a second as pain shot through his whole body. He was too weak, he couldn't do this anymore.
Peter heard him sit down but had no time to check if he was alright, for Jadis brought down both her swords towards his head.
Peter quickly blocked them with his own before stabbing at her, but was easily blocked.
Edmund meanwhile didn't even have any strength to look up at them, all he did was listen, and even then it was a fight to keep his concentration. He just hoped that Peter would be okay.
Jadis stepped backwards a bit before bringing her swords down again, only to be immediately blocked. "I told you not to try and escape otherwise I'd make your brothers death a slow and painful one." She said, smirking.
Peter's heart skipped a beat. "Well." He muttered. "You'll have to get to him first won't you?"
Jadis laughed. "Challange excepted." She said, before her swords were raised above her head once again.
The fight between the two went on for ages, and Peter was starting to get out of breath. By this time they were already fighting over by the river, and Peter could see his brother, slumped against the tree, his eyes half shut as he gripped his leg. He was alarmingly pale and looked as though he might throw up. With a gasp he quickly blocked Jadis' sword before throwing her backwards a bit, causing Jadis to stumble and hit her back against a tree.
Peter stood up straight, taking deep breaths. All he had to do was injure the witch enough so that she wouldn't be able to stand, and then Edmund could kill her.
Jadis scowled at Peter and without him seeing nodded at one of the minotaurs. And then she brought her swords forward.
Peter swallowed hard as he quickly blocked them, taking step back to avoid one of them slicing open his neck.
Jadis forced him backwards and before he knew it he was caught between a pair of big strong arms. His eyes went wide as he tried to slash at the minotaur with his sword, but it was sorta hard in this position, and the minotaur easily prised the sword from his hand, causing it to fall to the floor.
Peter continued struggling to get away, but it was absolutely pointless.
Jadis let out a laugh and dropped her swords. "Supoose I win." She said. "Now, about that slow and painful death." She added.
Peter's heart started pounding. "Don't you dare touch him!" He screamed.
Jadis laughed and completely ignored him as she walked over to Edmund.
Edmund stared up at her, looking dazed and confused, his eyes half shut.
Jadis grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and yanked him to his feet, causing Edmund to let out a scream of pain and collapse against the witch.
Jadis held him up by his shoulder, making sure he was still standing before dragging him over to stand in front of Peter.
Peter stared at his brother, tears in his eyes and he watched the tears roll down Edmund's cheeks.
"Say goodbye." Jadis whispered.
"No!" Peter said. "Please don't do this!" He swallowed hard. "He's just a kid."
Jadis glared at him. "Do I look like I care?" Shs snapped.
"Please." Peter begged. "He's only just thirteen, don't do it, don't kill him."
Jadis laughed. "Begging won't change my mind." She said, almost whispering. "But - I suppose I don't have to kill him straight away." She paused for a moment. "How well can he swim?" She said suddenly, a smirk appearing on her face.
Edmund swallowed hard, having no strength at all to try and get away, and all he could do was stare hopefully at Peter.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Er, not very well at the moment seeming as he can't even stand!" He exclaimed.
Jadis laughed. "What do you reckon would happen if I threw him in the river?" She asked.
Peter swallowed hard. "He'd drown!" He shouted, causing Edmund to wince.
"Hmm." Jadis said, nodding a little and gripping Edmund's shoulder even tighter. "Fancy a swim Edmund?" She laughed.
Edmund struggled to shake his head, but managed it, a look of fear in his eyes.
Jadis laughed again. "Maybe I won't give you a choice." She said before dragging Edmund over to the river, despite Peter's screams.
"Edmund!" He screamed, his eyes wide.
"If I throw him in." Jadis shouted to be heard by Peter. "You'll go in after him and save him. Then he'll be as weak as he could possibly get, then I'll kill him."
"Or, er, he could drown!" Peter screamed.
"Either way I would've killed him!" Jadis answered, pushing Edmund slightly more towards the river, causing his eyes to go wide.
"Why are you doing this?!" Peter asked. "He's a kid!"
Jadis scowled. "He's a traitor and deserves nothing but death!" She screamed at him, grabbing Edmund by the back of his tunic and pushing him closer to the river.
Edmund panicked and let out a quiet sob, wishing he had just some strength to get away.
"Please dont do this!" Peter begged.
"Well, you can go in after him and save him so why not?" The witch smirked.
Peter said nothing and just stared at her.
Jadis smirked even more and nodded at the minotaur who was holding Peter.
And then, she pushed Edmund, causing him to let out a cry and fall into the river.
"Edmund!" Peter screamed, and the second he was set free he ran over and dived in after his brother.

Another cliffhanger 🤔🙄😫😒😣😭😭😭

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