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Over the next few days Peter never left Edmund's side once. He shook him awake when he had horrible nightmares or mumbled reassuringly to him if he started muttering. He kept his temperature down with a cold, damp flannel, seeming as is was threatening to rise. When Edmund woke Peter always got him to eat and drink something, even when Edmund really didn't want to, and held him when he cried, hugging him tightly and reassuring him that the witch was dead and that she could never hurt him again.
It was only on the fourth day of their arrival back at Cair that Edmund was able to sit up in bed and stay awake, instead of just falling back to sleep like he had done for the last three days.
"You feeling okay?" Peter asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and handed his brother a cup of water.
Edmund shrugged, immediately wishing he hadn't as pain shot down his back. "I - I suppose." He mumbled. "Feeling better than I was a few days ago anyway." He added before taking a few sips of water.
Peter nodded slowly. "Fancy something to eat?" He asked hesitantly.
Edmund hesitated. "Not really." He mumbled. "But I'm guessing I don't have a choice?"
Peter sighed. "It's not going to help if you don't eat." He said quietly.
Edmund nodded. "I know." He choked. "I'll eat something." He added after a while.
Peter smiled a little, nodding. "Alright." He said. "You alright here for two seconds while I go find you something to eat?"
Edmund nodded. "Course." He breathed.
Peter nodded back before he extremely hesitantly left the room.
Edmund sighed as he leant back against the pillows. Even though it had been four days, every part of him hurt. Moving caused him to flinch and for Peter to get extremely worried. But on the upside he was feeling alot better than he had been, thankful to be able to relax and catch up on some sleep.
He lay there for what seemed like forever before he sat bolt upright in bed, hand slapping over his mouth. He quickly grabbed the bowl on his beside table that had been there since they'd got back, before he threw up. He gasped once he'd finished, coughing as he sat leant over, arms wrapped around his stomach. He didn't even look up when the door opened and Peter walked in, carrying a plate with two pieces of toast on it, each covered in butter.
When Peter saw his brother his eyes went wide and he dashed across the room. Placing the plate on the bedside table he sat carefully beside Edmund and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay." He whispered as Edmund coughed. "Shh."
Edmund took a deep breath as he slowly sat up, wiping his mouth with a cloth Peter handed him before leaning back against the pillows.
Peter sighed and slowly walked in the bathroom. He emptied the bowl before grabbing another one and filling it with cold water and grabbing a cloth.
Returning to his brother he sat on the bed beside him, wetting the cloth and wringing if before pressing it against his brothers forehead.
Edmund let out a quiet whimper as he turned his head away from Peter, pushing his hand away.
"Ed?" Peter questioned, frowning a little as he once again placed the cold flannel to Edmund's forehead, only to once again be pushed away again. "Ed what's wrong?" He asked, sighing.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I'm just fed up." He groaned. "Fed up with always being in pain. Always feeling sick, dizzy and weak. Fed up of not being able to get out of bed."
Peter sighed sadly. "I know you're fed up Ed." He said, placing the flannel and the bowl of water on the beside table before turning back to Edmund. "Just give it a few more days and then I'll think about letting you out of bed."
Edmund sighed in annoyance.
Peter bit his lip. "Ed, I'm only doing what the healer told me to do." He mumbled.
Edmund sighed and turned with his back to Peter, swallowing hard as he buried his face into the pillows.
"Come on Eddy." Peter whispered, placing a hand gently on his brothers back.
Edmund hissed in pain and jerked away. "Ow." He complained.
Peter sighed. "Sorry." He mumbled. "But do you really think I like seeing you like this? Do you really think I want you in bed twenty four seven? Do you think I want you being in so much pain? Being so weak? So ill?"
Edmund swallowed hard, slowly turning to face his brother, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Look." Peter sighed, placing his hand instead on Edmund's shoulder. "I know this is hard on you, but within the next week you're gonna be feeling alot better. I promise."
Edmund sniffed and sat up, shuffling over to Peter (even though it caused him to wince and groan in pain) and curled up beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Peter sighed and hugged him tightly, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
"I'm sorry." Edmund choked, trying to stop the tears that ran down his cheeks.
Peter took a deep breath. "It's not your fault." He mumbled.
Edmund sighed. "Just because I'm not feeling good doesn't mean I have to shut you out, or shout at you, which I definitely have done over the past month." He mumbled. "I - I can't go back to shutting you out and shouting at you again." He added quietly.
"We both know that that's not going to happen." Peter said softly. "And it's totally understandable for you to get angry, what's happened to you... it's not fair. You shouldn't have to go through all of this, you're only an kid." Edmund sighed and buried his face against Peter's chest. "Sometimes you just need to let it all out, and maybe shouting or something is the only way to do that."
Edmund sighed. "It's not fair." He choked.
Peter shook his head. "I know it's not." He mumbled.
"I - I just wanted my birthday to be-"
"Jadis free?" Peter said, attempting a smirk.
Edmund chuckled a little. "You could put it that way." He said.
Peter smiled, pulling Edmund closer. "Tell you what." He said. "When you're better and are out of bed, we're gonna throw you the. Best. Birthday. Party. Ever."

Hey guys, I'm going away tomorrow until Sunday so I don't know if I'll have time to update. Sorry guys

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