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It had been almost fifteen minutes and Peter could still hear Edmund's screams.
He squeezed his eyes shut, wondering what an earth she was doing to him, actually, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.
And then, the screaming stopped. Peter looked over at the door from where he sat in the middle of the cell, tears rolling down his cheeks and a look of hope in his eyes.
He waited and waited for at least five minutes before the doors burst open and Jadis marched in.
"Where's Edmund!" Peter shouted. "What have you done to him?!"
Jadis smirked. "Heard him did you?" She said.
Peter just glared at her, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Perhaps that'll teach you not to try and escape again." Jadis spat before she turned to face the door.
Peter followed her gaze and his mouth dropped open when he saw a minotaur walk in, dragging behind him a barely conscious Edmund.
Jadis smiled sickly as the minotaur dumped Edmund on the floor by her feet, where he let out a strangled gasp.
Peter went to crawl forward but stopped when Jadis pointed her broken wand at Edmund. "Don't move." She warned.
Peter took a deep breath, looking at nothing but his brother. He was groaning, a look of complete pain on his face, and it also looked like he was having trouble breathing.
"What did you do to him?!" Peter demanded, not being able to see any injuries - But then again, Edmund was still wearing his tunic.
Jadis smirked. "Whipped him of course." She said casually. "On his back."
Peter swallowed hard as Edmund slowly rolled onto his stomach, and was now facing the witch.
Jadis bent down in front of him and grabbed his hair, forcing his head up.
Edmund winced in pain, staring at her with tears rolling down his cheeks. "P - Pete." He managed to choke out, causing Peter's heart to shatter.
"Oh he's here." Jadis smiled. "Behind you."
Edmund attempted to turn around but Jadis stopped him. "Not so fast." She said, nodding her head at the minotaur who quickly put the shackles back around his ankles. "Will you try and escape again?" The witch asked darkly.
Edmund struggled to shake his head. "No." He managed to force.
"Good." Jadis spat before letting go of Edmund's hair, allowing him to lower his head.
Without another word Jadis turned and left the cell, the minotaur following behind and locking the door.
The second they had left Peter crawled quickly over to his brother and placed his hands gently on his shoulders.
Edmund rolled over slightly to look at his brother, tears still making their way down his cheeks.
"Oh Ed." Peter choked as he carefuly helped Edmund to sit up.
Edmund let out a shaky sigh as he leant against his brother, trying his best to wrap just one arm around him, but he was way to weak to even do that.
"This sure isn't going to help with you getting weaker anyway." Peter muttered more to himself than his brother.
Edmund nodded slightly, but even that caused him to wince.
Peter sighed and wrapped his arms gently around Edmund's shoulders, kissing the top of his head. "I promise you Ed." He whispered. "I won't let her hurt you again."
Edmund went to answer, but found himself unable to. His eyes began to droop as his breathing became heavier. And then nothing as everything went black.


It was the next day, and to Peter's extreme worry Edmund was still unconscious.
Tightening his grip around his brother he sighed. He couldn't help but think that tomorrow was Edmund's birthday, and the way things were going he'd be spending the day in a dungoen in the white witches castle. Tears appeared in his eyes as he sat there, staring down at his brother, who now to his relief was slowly opening his eyes.
Peter waited until Edmund looked up at him before smiling slightly. "Hey." He whispered.
Edmund winced slightly as he tried to sit up, but in the end just collapsed back into Peter's arms again. "Hi." He choked, wincing again.
"How you feeling?" Peter asked hesitantly.
Edmund bit his lip. "Weak and in pain." He mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard. "Jadis said she - she whipped you?" He asked.
Edmund only nodded slowly, shivering.
"Cold?" Peter sighed.
"Freezing." Edmund replied.
Peter rubbed his hand up and down Edmund's arm, hoping it would warm him up a bit.
Suddenly Edmund frowned. "It's daylight." He mumbled.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He said. "You've been unconscious for the whole night."
Edmund swallowed hard. "So, tomorrow is-" He stopped, sighing.
"Your birthday." Peter sighed too. "Yeah I know."
Edmund sighed again as he wrapped his hand around Peter's tunic.
"We were hoping to throw you a party." Peter mumbled. "Everyone would be there. Lucy would make you a cake - chocolate obviously. Susan would've been in charge of all the decorations, making sure everything was perfect. We had presents for you-" Peter trailed off, the tears threatening to fall.
"But instead I'm stuck here with her." Edmund muttered. "I must say it's not exactly how I imagined I'd be spending my 13th birthday." He added quietly.
"I know Ed." Peter choked. "But - we can't leave."
Edmund nodded. "I know." He sighed as he winced again.
"Let me see." Peter said softly.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before trying to sit upright. Peter had to help him in the end and keep a hand on his shoulder to stop him from falling over again.
Very hesitantly Peter lifted Edmund's tunic, and held his breath when he saw the lashes.
"There's so many." Was all he managed to force past his lips.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Twenty to be precise." He choked.
"Twenty!" Peter exclaimed, looking rather shocked.
Edmund nodded.
"And I can't do anything to even stop them bleeding." Peter mumbled.
"Have they not stopped bleeding yet?!" Edmund said in shock.
"Most of them have." Peter nodded. "But there are still a few trickling blood."
Edmund sighed as Peter very carefuly lowered his tunic back over his back before pulling him back into his arms.
"Love you Ed." Peter choked.
Edmund couldn't help but smile, despite how cold he was, how weak he felt and how much pain he was in.
"Love you too." He mumbled.


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