Happy Birthday

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Peter glanced over at his brother, who was trying to stand to walk over to him... trying.
Swallowing hard Peter shuffled over to his brother and sat beside him, helping him to sit up.
"I - I didn't mean what I said when I first met the witch." Edmund said frantically, his eyes full of tears. "Well - I don't anymore." He added quietly.
"It's okay Ed." Peter said reassuringly. "I know you don't."
"What did she show you?" Edmund asked wearily.
Peter sighed. "The whole thing when she said that you could be prince and later on king of Narnia." He said. "And when you said that you thought - thought I was unintelligent, and some of the dungeon."
Edmund stared at Peter will a guilty look in his eyes, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry I said all those things." He mumbled.
"Ed it's fine." Peter said, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund sighed. "What else did she show you?" He asked.
Peter bit his lip. "When she - she hit you after you tried to save the fox, and - and when you were tied to the tree and gagged." He said, voice cracking.
Edmund swallowed hard, leaning against his older brother. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He mumbled.
Peter shook his head. "It's fine." He sighed. "Did that minotaur hurt you?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Only a little." He mumbled.
Peter sighed and wrapped an arm around Edmund's shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug.
Edmund was hardly able to lift his arms to wrap them around Peter, causing him to sigh sadly.
"It's okay." Peter whispered. "Save your strength."
Edmund sighed again but nodded, instead just sitting as close to Peter as he could.
"Love you." Peter whispered.
Edmund smiled a little. "Love you too." He mumbled.


Edmund sighed as he glanced up at Peter, who was fast asleep.
Edmund didn't want to wake his brother, knowing that he was probably exhausted, but seeming as he was trapped in Peter's arms, his back was starting to really hurt.
It must be around midnight by now. The whole day they'd been left alone, with no food, no water and no way of keeping warm. Edmund was shivering now, his teeth chattering as he curled more into Peter's side, trying his best to keep walm.
He tried his best to ignore the cold though and thought about how it was now (if he was right about it being gone midnight) his 13th birthday.
Edmund sighed sadly. "Happy birthday." He mumbled to himself, tears in his eyes. Moving closer to his brother, even though it caused him to wince in pain, he slowly closed his eyes. He hadn't expected to fall asleep so fast, but within five minutes he was.


Edmund groaned slightly as he woke, feeling at once the cold and the pain in his back, causing him to wince and to immediately start shivering.
Edmund looked up at his brother who still has his arms wrapped tightly around him. "Morning." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "You cold?" He asked.
Edmund nodded. "Absolutely freezing." He choked.
Peter tightened his grip before kissing the top of Edmund's head. "Happy birthday Ed." He whispered into his ear.
Edmund gave him a weak smile. "Thanks." He whispered back.
But both their heads snapped up when the doors burst open and Jadis once again came striding in, but what confused Peter was that she carried what looked like a bucket of water in her hand.
"What do you want?" He spat, sitting up as he helped Edmund to too.
Jadis smirked. "I seem to remember that it's someone's birthday today?" She said.
Peter glared at her. "Why would you care." He said.
"Oh I don't." The witch said with a laugh. "Edmund come and sit here." She suddenly said, pointing in front of her.
Edmund froze in Peter's arms, staring up at the witch.
Jadis rolled her eyes. "Same threat as yesterday applies." She said. "Imagine getting whipped for an hour on your birthday." She added with a laugh.
Edmund swallowed hard and glanced up at Peter, who very, very, hesitantly nodded at him.
Edmund nodded slowly back before pulling out of Peter's arms and shuffling over to sit where Jadis had told him.
"Well done." Jadis mocked.
Edmund sat there, shivering as he stared at Jadis.
"A bit cold are we?" The witch laughed. "Peter stay where you are."
Peter bit his lip, not taking his eyes off of the witch.
The witch nodded slowly and turned back to Edmund. "Happy birthday." She laughed before she chucked the bucket of water all over Edmund, soaking him from head to foot.
Peter could tell instantly just by the way Edmund gasped that the water was ice cold, and his eyes went wide. "Ed!" He shouted and darted forward towards his brother.
Jadis though didn't seem to care and just left the cell, locking the door behind her.
Edmund sat there, absolutely soaked and now shivering uncontrollably.
"Ed." Peted said quickly, sitting in front of his brother and gripping his shoulders. "Ed look at me."
Edmund slowly looked up at his brother, teeth chattering as he shivered.
"Ed say something." Peter said, panicking.
"C-" Edmund started. "Cold." He managed to say.
"I'm gonna kill that witch." Peter said through gritted teeth.
Edmund stared at him, his breathing uneven. "I-" He said but then fell silent.
"Um-" Peter muttered, before pulling Edmund close, rubbing his hand up and down his arm in an attempt to keep him warm.
"No." Edmund said, teeth still chattering. "You'll - You'll get - get wet and then - then cold."
"I don't care." Peter said, panicking. "I need to keep you walm."
Edmund swallowed hard but had no strength to argue back.
Peter held Edmund like this for at least half an hour, trying his hardest to keep him as warm as possible. "Ed." He mumbled, looking down at his brother. "By Aslan your lips have gone blue." He said quietly, looking as though he were about to burst into tears.
Edmund said nothing and just continued to shiver, his breath misting in front of him.
"It's all gonna be okay." Peter whispered, his voice cracking as he pulled Edmund even closer. "I promise."

Sorry if there are any mistakes. I just got a new phone and am still getting used to it 😂

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