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"Ed." Peter whispered, shaking his brother after only fifteen minutes of him being asleep.
Edmund groaned, whether in pain or annoyance Peter couldn't quite tell. "What?" He mumbled.
"We really need to keep going Ed." Peter sighed. "The witch could be anywhere."
Edmund sighed and opened his eyes fully, forcing himself to pull away from Peter and sit up, running a hand over his face. "Sure." He mumbled.
Peter gave him a sad smile before he stood, but his eyes went wide when the hilt of his sword hit Edmund across the face.
"Oh my gosh!" Peter exclaimed, moving his sword out the way and kneeling in front of his brother as Edmund gripped his cheek.
"Ow." He said with a small laugh.
Peter relaxed a little, a small smile making it's way into his face. "Sorry." He mumbled.
Edmund removed his hand and smiled up at his brother. "It's okay." He said. There was silence for a while, where the two brothers just sat and smiled at each other, until: "What's he like?" Edmund asked.
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" He said.
Edmund smiled. "Father Christmas." He said. "What's he like?"
Peter gave a small chuckle. "Jolly." He said.
Edmund laughed a little.
"Who knows, you might get to meet him this Christmas." Peter said with a smile.
Edmund nodded slightly. "Maybe." He said quietly.
Peter kept the smile on his face as he helped Edmund to his feet. Edmund immediately leant against his brother, the smile disappearing from his face as he took a deep breath.
"You okay?" Peter asked worridley, wrapping an arm around his brothers waist to keep him standing.
Edmund shrugged. "I'm sore, tired, weak, hungry and thirsty." He mumbled. "But other than that, yeah I'm perfect!"
Peter bit his lip and sighed. "We'll be at Cair before you know it." He mumbled.
Edmund didn't look as if he believed him but nodded a little anyway, taking a step forward.
Peter walked beside him, his arm wrapped firmly around his waist to keep him standing.
"I need a drink." Edmund choked, swallowing hard.
"Yeah." Peter sighed. "Me too."
"Do you reckon there's a lake or river or something around here?" Edmund said, unable to hide the hope in his voice.
"I dunno." Peter muttered. "It's hard to see in the dark, keep an ear out alright?"
Edmund nodded. "I will." He said as the two continued walking.
After another half an hour Edmund was really struggling to stand, and Peter decided that they should probably stop.
"Sit down Ed." He said softly as he helped Edmund sit against a tree.
"Thanks." Edmund murmured, taking a deep breath.
Peter nodded before frowning.
"What?" Edmund asked.
"Can't you hear that?" Peter said.
"Hear what?" Edmund said, sitting up a little.
"It sounds like." Peter paused for a moment. "Running water."
Edmund's eyes lit up, causing Peter to smile a little. "Come with me." He said, helping Edmund to his feet again.
Edmund followed his brother, gripping Peter's elbow as he limped a little behind him.
They walked for a while until both boys' eyes went wide. Ahead of them was a fairly large, fast flowing river.
"Thank Aslan." Edmund choked out, smiling a little.
Peter helped Edmund over to the river where they knelt on the bank and just drank.
"Pete?" Edmund said after a little while.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, looking up at his brother.
"Why does this river look so familiar?" Edmund said, frowning.
Petee thought for a moment. "Ed." He said after a while. "This is the same river you found when you ran off."
Edmund frowned. "But, then it must be like, super long." He said.
Peter nodded. "But it is." He said. "I'm sure of it. I've never seen a river as fast flowing as this before."
"I suppose." Edmund mumbled before he went back to to drinking.
Peter watched him for a moment, keeping a hand on his shoulder as he smiled a little. "Alright now?" He asked as Edmund straightened up again.
"Definitely." Edmund said, leaning back against his older brother.
"Escaping comes with a punishment."
Both boys froze, Edmund all of a sudden clamping his hand around Peter's tunic.
Peter's heart pounded as he slowly turned around, pulling Edmund with him, despite his protests.
Peter stared up at the witch, who was stood with one hand on her hip, her two minotaurs stood behind her along with the wolf and the hag.
Peter's arm immediately wrapped itself around Edmund's shoulder and he pulled him close. "Go away." He spat at Jadis.
Jadis smirked. "No." She said firmly. "I planned on killing your brother and that's what I'm going to do."
Edmund let out a small whimper and buried his face into Peter's chest, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Shhh." Peter whispered, placing his hand on the back of his head.
"So, the duel." Jadis muttered.
"He's too weak." Peter choked.
"I know that." The witch laughed. "Why do you think I kept you locked away for three days. So that it would he rather easy to kill him."
Petee glared at her. "He's not dueling you!" He almost shouted.
Jadis smirked and clicked her fingers.
Peter's heart skipped a beat as he saw one of the minotaurs take a step towards him, followed by another.
Peter tried to back away, tried to push Edmund behind him, but with the river behind him he couldn't exactly go very far. The minotaur grabbed Peter roughly by the arms and yanked him away from Edmund. "No!" Peter screamed, struggling to get away as he gripped Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund turned and grabbed Peter's arm. "Please." He choked, but he had no strength to hold on. He let go of Peter's arm just as the minotaur yanked Peter away from his brother. "Ed!" He screamed as he was dragged to stand by the witch.
Edmund stared at his brother, his eyes wide and full of tears before he turned to the witch.
"Edmund." Jadis said, smirking as she pulled a knife out, once again from nowhere, and placed it to Peter's neck. "Duel me, or Peter dies. You remember me telling you that don't you?"
Edmund swallowed hard. "It's dark." He choked.
"So?" Jadis said, pressing the knife harder against Peter's neck. "What will it be Edmund?"
"Don't do it Ed." Peter choked.
Edmund stared at his brother.
"I don't have forever Edmund." Jadis smirked. "I need an answer."
Edmund stared at Peter for a while, seeing the pleading in his eyes. But he ignored it.
With great effort he forced himself to his feet, swaying a little bit as he gained his balance before he very slowly and shakily drew his sword.


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