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"Hurry up Ed." Peter said quickly, walking up behind his brother who was busy drying his hair. "Lucy wants to play games."
Edmund smirked. "Nearly ready." He muttered, throwing the towel onto the bed and throwing a dry tunic over his head. When he looked up he saw Peter now stood in front of him, but he had tears in his eyes. "Pete?" Edmund asked cautiously. After his brother didn't say anything, Edmund followed his gaze... down to his stomach. Edmund sighed, swallowing hard, realising Peter must of seen his scar. "Peter you okay?" He asked, looking back up at his brother.
Peter looked up at Edmund, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine." He all but whispered.
Edmund bit his lip and walked over, wrapping his arms around Peter's waist, in a hug he definitely needed.
Peter's arms instinctively wrapped around Edmund, holding onto him as though his life depended on it. He buried his face into Edmund's hair and kissed the top of his head. "I'm fine." He repeated.
"You sure?" Edmund asked from where he had his face buried against Peter's shoulder.
Peter hesitantly nodded. "Yeah." He breathed.
Edmund nodded back. "Alright." He mumbled.
"Come on guys!" Came Lucy's excited voice from the doorway.
The two brothers pulled away to face their little sister.
"We're playing it and Susan's on." Lucy told them before dashing down the corridor.
Edmund grinned up at his brother before running off after Lucy. Peter chuckled lightly before leaving the room, closing the door with a slam just as he saw Susan heading towards him from the end of the corridor.


"... Happy birthday to you!"
Lucy clapped loudly along with Susan as Peter placed his hand on Edmund's shoulder. "Make a wish." He whispered with a grin.
Edmund rolled his eyes playfully before blowing out his candles in one breath.
Lucy cheered even more, maybe getting a little too excited in Susan's point of view. "Happy (late) birthday Edmund." Lucy beamed.
Edmund's smiled faltered a little. Late. His actual birthday he'd spent in the witches dungeons. Quickly shaking his head and pushing the memories away he smiled back up at his little sister. "Thanks Lu." He said, glad that she hadn't seen the look on his face, and he was glad Susan hadn't either, but Peter...
Peter swallowed hard, having seen Edmund's smile fade even if only the slightest bit. He took a deep breath, squeezing his brother's shoulder probably a little harder than he intended to.
Edmund glanced over at him, tears in his eyes. Peter sighed and gave him a reassuring nod and a small smile. Edmund nodded slowly back before Susan clapped her hands. "Well let's not sit here and just stare at it." She said happily, unaware of the looks her two brothers were giving each other.
Lucy giggled. "I'll fetch a knife." She said.
Susan immediately stuck out her hand to stop her. "I'll fetch a knife." She said firmly before leaving the dining room.
Lucy frowned and looked at her brothers. "She does know I have a dagger and have used it before right?" She said.
Peter laughed. "You know what Susan's like." He said.
Lucy nodded and gave Peter a small smile as they waited for Susan to return.
She did eventually, with a knife and four plates. "Here we go." She muttered to herself as she set about slicing four slices of cake. "Ed." She said, passing him the first (and biggest) slice.
"Thanks." Edmund said, giving his older sister a smile.
"Lucy." Susan muttered, handing her sister the next slice. "Peter." She handed him the other slice before grabbing the last one and sitting back in her chair.
"Is it nice?" Lucy asked hopefully as she stared at Edmund, who was happily eating cake.
Edmund grinned. "Perfect." He told her, causing Lucy's eyes to sparkle.
"The best cake ever." Peter chuckled.
Lucy smiled. "Yay." She said happily before eating her own.
"Right." Susan said once they'd all finished. "We'd better get ready for tonight."
Peter nodded and stood from his chair. "Coming Ed?" He asked.
"Sure." Edmund nodded.
"We'll see you later then?" Lucy said as they all headed for the door.
"Yeah." Peter nodded before he and Edmund went one way and Susan and Lucy went another way.
Peter walked beside his brother, who was walking on silently, and his eyes kept drooping.
"You're not gonna fall asleep during the party are you?" Peter laughed.
Edmund looked up at him and smiled. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." He said.
Peter smiled as they reached their room, Edmund sitting on the edge of his bed once they'd both got inside.
"You know." Peter said softly, sitting down beside him. "You totally deserve this."
Edmund stared at him.
"I've never known someone to be as brave as you Ed." Peter continued. "You've been and got through so much."
Edmund took a deep breath and rested his head against Peter's shoulder. "I wouldn't of been able to get through it without you." He mumbled.
Peter sighed sadly. "You're stronger than you think you are Ed." He whispered into his ear. "And braver."
Edmund nodded slowly, biting his lip. "But if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have that bravery, without you I wouldn't have that strength you say I have."
Peter took a deep breath, swallowing hard before standing and kneeling infront of Edmund. "You do know that I'm never going to leave you right?" He said.
Edmund nodded.
"I will never ever leave you." Peter said firmly. "I'll always be here, whether you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, I will always be here for you."
Edmund's eyes filled with tears as he stared at Peter.
"I promise." Peter said firmly. "And that's one promise I know I can definitely keep." He added with a smirk.
Edmund let out a laugh, two tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Always Ed." Peter said, placing one hand on the side of Edmund's face.
Edmund shuffled off the bed and knelt infront of Peter, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face against his chest.
Peter hugged him back, smiling. "Always."


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