Water fight

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"Ed?" Peter whispered, kneeling down beside his brother's bed and placing a hand gently on Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund's eyes squeezed tightly shut for a moment before he forced them open, frowning as he looked up at Peter. "What?" He muttered, his eyes closing again.
Peter chuckled. "You can stay in bed I suppose." He said, slowly standing. "But that means you'll miss your birthday celebration, which might I add begin in half an hour."
Edmund's eyes snapped open and he glared up at his brother. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" He exclaimed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Peter smirked. "I tried." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "But you just refused to wake up."
Edmund frowned but in the end just nodded.
"So, birthday breakfast, followed by a picnic, followed by fun and games, followed by dinner, followed by cake." Peter paused, taking a deep breath. "Followed by a party."
Edmund smiled. "Sounds perfect." He muttered as he pulled the blankets off of him and climbed out of bed. He flinched though as he did, causing Peter to stand, a look of alarm on his face.
"Ed you okay?" He asked quickly.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "My back's just, causing me a bit of trouble."
Peter sighed. "I can't believe she'd do that to someone - do that to you!"
"Can't you?" Edmund said simply as he walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed a tunic and some trousers.
Peter bit his lip. "Well." He mumbled. "But still, you're only a kid."
"Ah." Edmund said quickly, turning around with a smirk on his face. "Teenager."
Peter stared at him and chuckled. "Alright, you're a teenager." He corrected himself.
"And have been for over a week." Edmund grinned.
"Really?" Peter said sarcastically.
Edmund rolled his eyes, walking back over and punching Peter's arm lightly. "Idiot." He mumbled.
Peter smirked. "Always." He said, reaching up to ruffle Edmund's untidy hair.
Edmund groaned and pushed Peter's hand away, ducking quickly to his left. "Peter!" He said. "You know I hate it when people do that!"
Peter chuckled again. "I do know yes." He said.
"Then why do you do it?!" Edmund said, removing his shirt and throwing on the tunic.
"Because your reaction is priceless." Peter laughed before he dashed out of the room.
"Hey!" Edmund called after him, running to the door to see Peter speeding off down the corridor.
"Breakfast in ten!" Was all he called back before disappearing around the corner.
Edmund sighed but couldn't help laugh as he headed back into his room to get changed.


"I love them." Edmund smiled as he placed the presents he'd for from Susan and Lucy on the table in front of him.
Lucy beamed and flung her arms around his neck. Edmund's eyes went wide in surprise but he let out a laugh, hugging his sister back. "Thank you." He said, kissing Lucy's head and smiling over at Susan.
"No problem." She smiled back.
"So." Peter said. "Now that breakfast is over, that means we can get ready for the picnic."
Lucy shrieked in delight. "We've packed all the food already." She said happily. "All of your favourite food." She added, looking back to Edmund.
Edmund grinned at her. "I can't wait." He said.
"Well come on then." Susan said, standing from the table and brushing down her dress. "Let's go."
The other three stood with her and they all headed to the kitchens, which is where Susan said she'd left the food.
"Here we go." She said, picking up a rather large basket from the kitchen counter, immediately handing it to Peter.
"Today's gonna be great." Lucy said, taking hold of Edmund's hand tightly.
"Of course." Edmund smiled as they all headed through the castle.
Stepping outside Peter took a deep breath. "Where do you wanna go then Ed?" He asked, turning to his brother.
Edmund thought for a moment. "The woods." He said with a nod.
Susan smiled. "The woods it is then." She said, leading the way across the gardens and through the gate.
After they'd walked for a long while they found what seemed to be the best spot, under some trees and not far from a shallow bit of the river.
"Here's fine." Edmund said as he sat down on a bit of grass under a tree with extremely thick leaves.
Susan nodded and brought out a blanket, laying it down on the floor before Edmund shuffled over to sit on it, Lucy plonking herself one side of him and Peter sitting on the other side. Susan sat beside Peter and the four fell silent.
All of a sudden though Edmund stood up, walking away from his siblings towards the shallowest part of the river, where if he was standing in it it would only come up to his ankles.
"Ed?" Peter questioned, unable to hide the worry in his voice as he watched Edmund get closer to the river that had almost taken his life. "Ed come back."
But Edmund didn't listen. With a smirk he bent down and scooped up some water in his hand. He somehow managed to make it all the way back to his siblings before throwing the handful of water onto Peter, who's eyes went wide as he gasped.
Lucy burst into fits of laughter, standing and running over towards the river, Edmund following quickly behind, laughing almost as much as his sister.
Peter sat there for a moment before glancing at Susan, who was looking down at the ground, but that didn't stop him from seeing the smirk on her face.
After a few moments he slowly stood, looking up at Edmund who was staring at him from where he stood beside the river. "Right." He muttered, quickly walking over to him.
Edmund watched him as he bent down and threw a handful of water on him. Edmund gasped at the sudden cold, but burst into laughter soon after.
Then began the best water fight in Narnian history. Susan though preferred to stay dry and just sat watching her siblings, laughing along with them.
Edmund let out a playful cry as Peter grabbed him from behind and they both fell into the water with a splash, even though it wasn't deep at all, they still got rather wet.
Edmund chuckled and leant back against his brother, now practically sat in his lap. "Love you." He whispered, resting his head back against Peter's chest.
Peter smiled, flicking his wet hair out of his eyes. "Love you too Ed." He whispered back, his arms wrapping themselves around Edmund's stomach in a tight hug.


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