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- After three days of training -

"How's Edmund's training going?" Susan asked Peter as they both sat in the gardens, enjoying an hour of free time.
Peter smiled. "He's great." He said. "Better than me." He added with a laugh.
Susan smiled. "I knew he'd pick it up eventually." She said.
Peter nodded. "But I think we're gonna have to leave for the witches castle tomorrow." He said slowly, his smile faltering slightly.
Susan sighed. "He wants her gone by his birthday Pete." She said. "And I totally understand."
Peter nodded. "I know." He mumbled. "It's just - Edmund's absolutely amazing at sword fighting, but will he be good enough to defeat Jadis?"
Susan bit her lip. "There's only one way to find out." She managed to choke.
"I - I suppose we better tell him that we're leaving tomorrow." Peter said slowly.
Susan nodded. "I'll tell Lucy too." She said.
"No, you two aren't coming." Peter said quickly.
"Peter-" Susan muttered.
"No, I won't lose you or Lucy." Peter said firmly. "It's just gonna be me and Edmund, not even Orious is going."
"Why not?" Susan asked.
"Because Jadis is only expecting Edmund and she'll probably be expecting me as well." Peter said. "And if anyone else turns up I don't even want to think about what she might do."
Susan hesitated. "Alright." She mumbled eventually. "But just promise me you'll both come home - Alive?"
Peter nodded. "I promise you Susan." He said. "I won't let anything happen to Edmund."
"And you Peter." Susan said. "I don't want you to get hurt either."
"I won't." Peter said with a shake of his head. "Alright?"
Susan nodded. "Alright." She sighed. "So - Where is Edmund then?"
Peter sighed sadly. "Upstairs asleep." He mumbled. "Today's training wore him out alot."
Susan bit her lip. "How is he supposed to defeat Jadis if he's getting weaker every day?" She said, a hint of panick in her voice.
Peter swallowed hard. "He'll do it." He said I'm barely more than a whisper. "Come on, he's been asleep for a good few hours, I'm sure he won't mind us waking him up."
Susan nodded and the two headed back into the castle and up to Peter and Edmund's room.
Peter placed a finger to his lips, telling Susan to be quiet as he reached for the door handle. But then he froze. Edmund was talking to someone, or at least talking.
It took Peter a little while but he figured it out eventually. As quickly as he could he entered the room only to find Edmund in his bed, fast asleep but with tears rolling down his cheeks, and he was mumbling.
"Ed." Peter said quickly as he ran over to his brother and sat on the edge of the bed, Susan following. "Ed wake up." Peter said loudly, shaking his brothers shoulder.
Edmund let out a cry of fear as his eyes shot open. He let out a loud gasp and then just lay there, staring at his brother. "Peter?" He choked.
Peter nodded. "It was just a dream." He reassured his brother.
Edmund swallowed hard before nodding and slowly sitting up, running a hand through his hair as he sighed. "What are you - Two - doing in here anyway?" He mumbled.
"We - came to tell you something." Susan said hesitantly.
"What?" Edmund asked, frowning slightly.
"We're gonna leave tomorrow." Peter said quietly.
Edmund stared at him. "D - do you think I'm ready?" He whispered.
"Edmund you're amazing." Peter said, forcing a smile. "Orious said your getting better than some of the Narnians who have had years of practice with a sword."
Edmund sighed but nodded a little. "Tomorrow?" He double checked.
Peter nodded. "If that's alright with you?" He said.
Edmund nodded. "I suppose." He mumbled.
"It's only gonna be me and you alright?" Peter said.
"Yeah." Edmund answered quietly, taking a deep breath. "That's probably best."
Peter sighed and placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "It's all gonna be fine Ed, alright?"
Edmund stared at him before moving over and wrapping his arms tightly around his neck, buring his face against his shoulder.
Peter swallowed hard and hugged him back, casting Susan a sad glance over the top of Edmund's head.
Susan's eyes filled with tears as she placed a hand on her younger brothers back.
They sat like this for ages, until Edmund's breathing got slightly heavier and he fell limp in Peter's arms.
"He's asleep." Peter whispered at Susan's frown.
Susan nodded slowly and pulled back the blankets on the bed again, allowing Peter to slowly lay his brother back down, being extremely careful not to wake him up.
Edmund let out a sigh as Susan placed the blanket over him and buried his face into the pillows, pulling the blanket up tightly around his neck.
Peter couldn't help but smile a little and turned around when the door opened. He placed a finger to his lips when Lucy entered the room, nodding his head at Edmund slightly.
Lucy nodded and crept over to Peter, sitting beside him on the bed.
"When are you leaving?" She whispered.
"Tomorrow." Peter hesitantly replied.
Lucy nodded. "I take it I'm not aloud to go with you?" She sighed.
Peter shook his head. "I just wanna keep you safe Lu." He mumbled. "I'm already putting Edmund in danger." He added quietly.
Susan sighed. "No you're not Peter." She said.
"But I'm letting him fight the witch!" Peter whisper shouted.
"And by doing that you're saving his life!" Susan said.
"But that's only if he can kill her!" Peter said.
"He will Peter." Lucy said calmly.
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "This is all my fault." He choked.
"How an earth is it your fault?!" Susan exclaimed.
"Absolutely none of this would've happened if I hadn't been so hard on him." Peter said. "And I was stupid enough not to have put more security on the wand!"
"You had someone standing next to it at all times Peter!" Susan said firmly. "This isn't your fault. It's Jadis'"
Peter sighed, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Love you Ed." He mumbled, tears in his eyes. "So much."

Also, happy Halloween to anyone who celebrates it! 🎃🎃🎃

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