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Peter ran a hand through his hair as he paced back and forth in the cell, sighing to himself. He had to do something! Edmund was down there, by himself with the white witch. And tomorrow he'd be dueling her, and Peter knew he was way too weak to do that.
He practically screamed at himself, his heart pounding in his chest.
Walking over to the doors he grabbed the bars and peered outside, spotting the keys hanging on the wall not too far away, but still too far for him to reach.
"That's not gonna stop me." He muttered before reaching through the bars as far as he could.
He tried for ages and ages, reaching as far as he possible could, at times his fingers would brush against the keys and other times he'd miss then by miles.
But then he had an idea. He still had the sheath to his sword. Unhooking it from his belt he pushed it through the bars and attempted to hook the keys onto the end.
He knew he had to be extremely careful though, otheriwse the keys could end up on the floor.
Taking his time and being as careful as possible he managed to hook the keys onto the end of his sheath and unhook them from the wall.
Very slowly he pulled them closer to him until he grabbed them.
Breathing a sigh of relief he hooked his sheath back on his belt and reached through the bars to unlock the doors.
As quietly as possible be pushed them open before creeping from the cell into the corridor.
Holding his breath he tiptoed all the way down to the throne room, peering around every corner to make sure that the coast was clear.
Once he reached the throne room he peered in, not daring to actually go in yet. But what he saw made his heart break.
Jadis was sat in her throne, he broken wand in her hand staring at Edmund.
Edmund was knelt in front of her throne, sat up as straight as possible with his hands tied tightly in front of him.
Peter could see that he was breathing heavily, but he didn't know if it was because he was scared or because of how weak he was... or both. Taking a deep breath he silently told himself to stay where he was, going in now wouldn't help Edmund at all, so he stayed put, watching as his heart pounded in his chest.
Jadis did nothing for ages, and Peter was rather confused on why she was just sitting there. But then she stood.
The witch walked in front of Edmund and knelt, staring at him. Edmund slowly raised his head to look at the witch, swallowing hard as he did.
"Scared?" Jadis laughed at seeing the visibly fear in his eyes. "You should be." She added darkly. "And I hope you enjoyed your birthday, because its gone midnight."
Edmund stared at her.
"You're 13th birthday's a very special day isn't it? You only turn 13 once." The witch said, smirking. "And you spent it with me."
Edmund just glared at her, not saying anything.
Jadis sneered at him. "Don't you dare look at me like that." She said in a deadly whisper before turning to her dwarf, who was stood in the corner of the room. "Give me it." She said simply, holding out her hand.
Peter frowned as the dwarf handed Jadis something, but he couldn't quite see what. But Edmund obviously could. His eyes were wide and he was backing away from the witch, shaking his head. "Please don't." He choked.
Peter frowned a little, trying to get a closer look.
The witch laughed evily a grabbed Edmund's shoulder. "Tunic off." She spat. "Now."
Edmund sat there, shaking like a leaf as he quickly shook his head.
"If you don't do what I tell you Edmund." Jadis said darkly. "I will go upstairs and slice my knife across your brothers throat, do you understand?" Edmund stared at her, his eyes wide. "Now are you going to do what I asked?" Jadis said.
Edmund swallowed hard and held out his hands.
Jadis smirked and untied them before Edmund slipped his tunic over his head, both shivering and shaking.
The witch grabbed him roughly by the arm and threw him to the floor.
Peter cringed slightly as he caught sight of the whip lashes that were on Edmund's back from the other day, and tears appeared in his eyes. He looked up at Jadis when she raised something above her head, and with a sinking heart Peter saw what that something was. A whip.
Squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears he quickly looked away. But it still didn't prevent him from hearing the crack followed by a scream.
He couldn't go in there! If he went in, it would destroy all hopes of escaping, so with tears rolling down his cheeks he waited.
There was another two cracks followed by two more screams from Edmund before: "Please stop!"
Peter's eyes snapped open and he quickly turned around, only for his heart to break when he saw his brother laying on the floor, three bleeding lashes going down his back and tears pouring down his cheeks.
Jadis lowered the whip and smirked, pulling out her knife.
Peter instantly saw Edmund's eyes go wide in horror. "No." He whispered.
"Oh yes." Jadis laughed. "You dont want me to carry on, so now your brother must die."
"No please!" Edmund said as loudly as he could, struggling to even kneel. "Carry on! Just let Peter live!"
"Too late for that now." Jadis laughed before she marched from the room, her dwarf following quickly behind.
The second she was gone Edmund burst into tears, trying his hardest to stand, but the second he did he fell back to the floor again, letting out a gasp as he hit the ground.
Peter swallowed hard and, making sure the coast was clear, dashed into the room and over to his brother.
"Ed." He said as he knelt beside him.
Edmund's head snapped up. "Peter!?" He said in shock.
Peter nodded and gasped slightly as Edmund flew into his arms.
"Ed don't hurt yourself." Peter said, gently pushing his brother away.
"How?" Edmund choked.
"I'll explain later." Peter said quickly as he pulled Edmund carefully to his feet. "Right now I've gotta get you out of here."
Edmund gasped as he leant against his brother, holding his breath as pain shot down his back.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled, grabbing Edmund's tunic from the floor before the two headed for the stairs at the end of the room.
"It's fine." Edmund said with a shake of his head as Peter found both their swords before they walked down the stairs.
Peter handed Edmund his sword and sheathed his own as the two hurried through the courtyard and out of the castle.
"But - I need to kill the witch." Edmund choked as Peter led him towards the woods.
"We'll find some other way Ed." Peter answered. "You're too weak to duel her."
Edmund sighed but nodded. "Thank you." He choked, leaning against his brother to stay standing.
Peter smiled sadly. "No problem."

🤔🤔🤨🤨 ⬅️ (😔😔)

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