A happy ending

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"Having fun?" Peter asked as he walked up behind his brother, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Edmund turned his head to look at him. "Yeah." He said with a smile. "Until you decided to come up behind me and strangle me." He added, his smile changing to a playful smirk.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Alright!" He laughed, unwrapping his arms from his brothers neck and instead wrapping them around his waist.
Edmund sighed but laughed as he rested his head back against Peter's shoulder. "Where are the girls?" He asked.
Peter thought for a moment. "I think Lucy's over there somewhere with Mr.Tumnus." He said, pointing over by the balcony. "And Susan's there with Mrs.Beaver." He mumbled, pointing over at Susan who was happily talking with Mrs.Beaver.
Edmund nodded a little, closing his eyes.
"You okay?" Peter asked quickly.
Edmund sighed and laughed, keeping his eyes closed. "You worry too much." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Course I do." He said.
Edmund smiled again. "Course you do." He chuckled, his eyes opening slowly.
Peter couldn't help but laugh as he squeezed his brother a bit before slowly letting go.
"Take it you ain't leaving me for the rest of the night?" Edmund guessed, turning to face him.
"Definitely not." Peter said with a smirk.
"I suppose I don't mind." Edmund replied.
"Suppose?" Peter chuckled.
Edmund smirked. "Suppose." He nodded.
Peter laughed, and to Edmund's dismay, in front of everyone, lifted his crown off his head and ruffled his hair.


"Well, I don't know about you but I'm exhausted." Peter muttered as he and Edmund entered their room at around midnight that night.
"Me too." Edmund said with a small smile as he removed his crown, placing it on his bedside table before flopping down on his bed.
Peter chuckled lightly and sat beside him. "Had fun today?" He asked.
Edmund nodded as he sat up. "Best day ever." He mumbled.
"Sorry it was late and wasn't actually on your birthday." Peter said, sighing sadly.
"You don't need to apologise Peter." Edmund said quietly. "It wasn't your fault that I was with - her, on my birthday."
Peter nodded slowly. "Alright." He mumbled. Before: "Get changed and into bed, you look like you haven't slept in a week."
Edmund smiled. "Feel like it too." He muttered as he grabbed his pyjamas.
Once the two brothers were ready for bed Peter sat beside Edmund, placing a hand gently on his knee. "Night Ed." He said softly.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before wrapping his arms around his neck. "Thank you." He mumbled.
"For what?" Peter asked, confused.
"Everything." Edmund choked. "And definitely for today. Today meant - alot to me."
Peter nodded slowly, tears welling up in his eyes. "You're welcome Ed." He whispered into his brothers ear.
Edmund took a deep breath as he pulled away, looking up at Peter. "Do you reckon you could - stay?" He asked hesitantly.
Peter smiled gently. "Course." He nodded before he climbed into the bed beside his brother, covering them both with the blanket as he lay down.
Edmund thanked him and wrapped an arm around his waist, using his chest as a pillow.
"Sleep tight." Peter whispered.
"And you." Came Edmund's mumbled reply.
"I love you so much Ed." Peter said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Don't ever forget that."
Edmund smiled as his eyes slowly closed. "I won't." He whispered. "And I love you too, so - so much."


Over the next few weeks, Peter didn't let Edmund out of his sight. He was happy to see that he had all his strength back and he was alot happier than he'd seen him in a month. After maybe three weeks his nightmares slowly started to fade, until he only had about one a week.
But with winter fast approaching Peter was getting worried, he knew how much Edmund hated the cold and the snow, and the way things were going it seemed as though they'd be getting a white Christmas.
When December hit Peter saw the change come over his brother instantly, even though Edmund tried his best to hide it. But he let it all out one night after he'd been awoken from a horrible nightmare by his brother.
"I'm scared Pete." He choked. "I - What if she comes back?"
"That's not going to happen Ed." Peter said softly. "I promise."
Edmund swallowed hard, leaning against his brother. "Really?"
"Really Edmund." Peter said. "She's dead and is going to stay dead."
Edmund nodded slowly. "But - But the cold reminds me of her, and - and it's gonna start snowing soon. I hate snow."
Peter sighed. "I know you do Eddy." He whispered, kissing the top of Edmund's head. "But I know you can get through this winter."
Edmund swallowed hard. "I hope I can." He mumbled.
"I know you can." Peter said firmly.
And he was right. Edmund got through winter. Despite lack of sleep because of the nightmares that seemed to be getting more frequent, he still managed to do everything he needed to do, he helped organise a party for Susan's birthday and helped when Christmas decorations needed hanging and the Christmas tree decorating.
Christmas day came and Peter was glad to see his brother smiling and laughing with his sisters. And after having a small talk with him that afternoon learnt that Edmund had, like Peter said he might do, met father Christmas.
Christmas eve night Edmund had been wondering Cair Paravel after a nightmare, unable to get back to sleep, only to have bumped into him. Edmund told Peter they'd had a long chat, and in father Christmas's eyes, become quite good friends.
Peter had never felt so relieved to see Edmund happy, and as the months went on and winter fast turned into spring Edmund's smile hardly ever left his face. He played games with Lucy, laughed along with Susan and had fun with both of them.
But even though his nightmares had long ago disappeared, that didn't stop him from climbing into Peter's bed in the middle of the night for a hug.
"You don't mind do you?" Edmund asked from where he lay cuddled into Peter's arms.
Peter smiled lightly. "Not at all." He whispered, placing a kiss to Edmund's forehead.
Edmund smiled and buried his face into Peter's chest. "Love you." He mumbled before his eyes closed.
Peter smiled even more. "I love you too." He replied. And he did... he really, really did.

-  THE END -

Omg I finished it! Sorry I didn't give you any warning or anything! 😂 I can't believe it, lol. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who voted and commented, it means the world to me, really. And unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna be doing another book. 😭😭 but I will definitely still be updating my one shots and my 'journey to forgiveness' (which I hate to say that I've almost finished too) and of course my 'all you need is love'.
Just incase any of you were wondering the sequel to this book is 'cursed' followed by 'dreams'
And who knows, maybe someday I MIGHT get inspiration to write another book (if you have ideas DM me on Instagram or message me here on wattpad!!!!!!)
Thank you all again for all the support I've had on this series!
And a special thank you to ineffable_narnia you're the best Abby and I couldn't thank you enough for all of the support you've given me with this series!! Xox love you sm.
I've loved writing this series guys and thank you sooo much! Love you all! Xox

Nina xx

P.S If you do have ideas for another book don't hesitate to message me xx

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