24 - Japan

4 0 0

3rd Person POV

- 5 months later -

"Pack your things brother!" Jun Myeon shout and open his brother bedroom. "Hyung.. Why are you in my room? How can you enter my house?" Taehyung blink his eyes and tilt his head. Jun Myeon can't resist the cuteness so he pinch his baby brother's cheeks, "you remember that you live with Louis right?" Taehyung widened his eyes and chuckle. "Come one, wash up and pack your things. We have a flight to catch up brother." Jun Myeon pull his brother to the bathroom, "I'll lay your clothes on your bed. Wear it. I'll be downstairs." Taehyung shake his head and start his bath.

40 minutes later, they're already eating breakfast together downstairs. "Where'll we go hyungie?" "Japan! Siwon hyung want to have a vacation with all of us, the Choi's grandchilds. It's been a long time since all of us gather together right? Now that we have time, he already booked one of our ryokan there so we can enjoy our time." Taehyung nod his head and bite his bread, "eh! Who said that I have time? I still have work and didn't clear my schedule hyungie?" Jun Myeon chuckle, "already did that for you brother. Don't worry. I already told Louis and he already did everything that he need to do so you can have vacation. I know you're stress. And after this vacation, I'll resign from idol actually. So my member will go to our ryokan right after our family vacation end." "Eeeh! I thought that you'll stay as idol until you're 30?!" "I can't let you stress alone right? And appa already need to to help 100% at our family business." Jun Myeon kiss Taehyung's cheek and continue eating.

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"Oppa!" Soo Min run and hug Taehyung and Jun Myeon. Siwon really go all out for this vacation. He even use one of their family private jet and order the pilot to pick up every cousin at their place. The first one on the plane of course Siwon, Ha Rin, So Young and Soo Min since they live at Paris. Next is Taehyung and Jun Myeon at London. After that they'll pick up Seungcheol, Yeonjun, Hansol, Soobin and Beomgyu at Seoul. Last stop is Akita airport at Tohoku, Japan. All of their PA also join them. Lucie and Eileene also join them. Siwon is a really good older brother, he take care of his brothers and sisters. Their eldest trust Siwon so much.

The private jet is a Boeing 787-8 BBJ. It can fit up to 39 people, which mean their whole family and PA. It's been a while since they use this one. They never have a trip for the whole family again ever since Siwon start his career as idol. their schedule always clashed. Nothing has change with the jet.

"I'll sleep hyungie, I'm still sleepy. Junie hyung woke me up too early." Taehyung yawn and wave his hands, then walk to the bedroom. Siwon is sitting and typing on his laptop, continue doing his work. Jun Myeon is playing a game on their console with Soo Min. Ha Rin and So Young is still sleeping at the other bedroom. Ha Rin doesn't sleep at all to finish her work before the vacation, So Young is finishing up her last studying last night. It's gonna be a long flight to Seoul. Lucie and Eileene is watching Jun Myeon and Soo Min playing.Their PA is also sitting, doing their work or taking a nap.

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"Junie hyung, wake up. We've arrived at our ryokan." Taehyung shake his beloved hyung's shoulder. Junmyeon wake up and get out from the car. Their ryokan is at Akita, it's one of the best ryokan here. "Okay guys, so the room.. The girls and boys or we have our own room or the couple together? Which one do you want?" Asked Siwon to his siblings. "I want together with Lucie." Taehyung wink at Lucie while Lucie just giggling and shake her head. "Let's have our own room and you couple can room together. You already book the whole ryokan hyung, don't forget." Jun Myeon chuckle. "Okay, choose your own room then." Said Siwon and pull his luggage inside while hug his other hand on Eileene's waist. "We'll meet at dinner, free time guys!" Siwon shout and wave before he disappear.

~ tbc

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