BonChap: Happy New Year!

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3rd Person POV

"Darell! Darren! Please help gather your siblings, thanks!" Taehyung shout from the main bedroom. Today is December 31, BTS and their family decided to gather and celebrate the new year together. "Don't shout next time." Lucie shakes her head and help Taehyung to wear his hanbok. "Thank you." Taehyung kissed her cheeks, "and sorry. I won't shout again." He smiles and waves before left to the living room first. "He'll never change." Lucie laugh a little before taking a few things and walk to the living room too.

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"Hey, guys! Appa said for us to gather now." Yeong Hyeon said with just his head showing from behind the wall to the kids' living room. "Okay hyung!" Alliester and In Su shout at the same time, making the younger kids laughing. Yeong Hyeon walks inside to Allister and the younger twins, he holds Alliester and Sun Hee's hands while Allister hold Chung Hee's hand. Yeong Sik is holding In Su and Min Sun's hands while In Su hold Hei Ran's hand. Hae Won holds Iris's hand. They walk fast to the living room downstairs while talking and laughing.

Nothing really changes between the not blood-related siblings even now when they're already older and some working. Yeong Sik or Darren Kim and Yeong Hyeon or Darell Kim is already 27, Yeong Sik even already got engaged to a beautiful and loving Swedish woman while Yeong Hyeon still enjoying his single life. Young Il or Iris Kim is 17 and already graduate, she's still going strong with her boyfriend since 3 years ago (his boyfriend didn't know about her family being one of the richest of course). Alliester is 26 and also already engaged with his boyfriend, a kind and funny Chinese man that work at the same place as him. Hae Won is 25, she has a really great Japanese boyfriend that she met when she went on world tour (yes, her boyfriend is her fans. A successful fans). In Su, Chung Hee and Sun Hee are 23 and their work is at its peak right now. In Su is dating Sun Hee for 2 years now, everyone shocked when the couple told them except for Min Sun who's already knew. Min Sun is 19 is already graduate and is now working with Young Il at Paris, while continuously learning about fashion and now cooking too. Hei Ran is 21 and now help Hoseok to manage his dance studio. Her dance studio and cafe that she open with Min Sun have many branches around Korea and Japan, they want to open a new and their first branch in Japan next year.

"There they're, taking their time," Hoseok said while laughing a little. "Mian appa," said Hei Ran. Hoseok just ruffles her hair and smiles at his daughter. "Now that everyone is here, let's go to the photo room and start taking pictures," Taehyung said and start walking. "He never changes huh? Even now when one of his son is already engaged." Jin said. Yoongi shake his head, "you don't know how he's everyday hyung." Everyone, except the kids, are laughing before following Taehyung to the photo room. "Individual photo first!" Taehyung shout and walk to the center, Louis is the photographer as always.

 "Individual photo first!" Taehyung shout and walk to the center, Louis is the photographer as always

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"Next, Jin please," Louis said as he finished.

"Next, Jin please," Louis said as he finished

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