38 - The Aftermath (2)

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3rd Person POV

For Namjoon.. He locked himself in his small studio that he bought a few years ago near the old dorm. He keep blaming himself and drown himself into music. He compose many sad music and upload it into his youtube and SoundCloud account. A few months later, his music getting noticed and someone contact him. By this time, Namjoon already getting better. Not locking up in the small studio, but still in depression. That person want Namjoon to work as his composer and Namjoon agree as he need money. He also doing some private class for english to make more money.

He truly regret his past action, he has failed as the leader. Why even he did that to Taehyung? And repeated it to Yoongi? He know that when he's stress, he won't be on his right mind. But they didn't do anything wrong, they just tried to help him. And all Namjoon did was yelling at them, punching them and kicking them. He really miss having Taehyung by his side, laughing and asking them to play together. But Taehyung chose Yoongi and this made him mad at Yoongi and locking himself at his studio so he won't repeat the same mistake to another member. Which lead to Jin stress by himself and BTS disbanding. He cut contact with everyone. He want to start a new page and will contact them when he already can stand on his own feet again.

 He want to start a new page and will contact them when he already can stand on his own feet again

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For Taehyung.. Things getting better and better. 2 years ago, he married Lucie. Yoongi is his best man which getting into an argument with Jun Myeon when Taehyung told his family about this. Taehyung and Lucie hold their wedding at their best resortd by the seaside in England. They didn't hold it on the beach as they don't want their guests to be uncomfortable, it's at the resorts wedding chapel. They only invited their whole family and close friends, which lead to another argument between Yoongi and Conan about Taehyung best man. Even when no one told media about the wedding date, they still manage to know it and wait right outside the resorts to capture the wedding of the year. Right after the wedding, Taehyung and Lucie fly to Santorini for their honeymoon with one of Choi family's private jet. All guests get to spend vacation at the resorts for a week. After the honeymoon, Taehyung and Lucie moved to live at London with Yoongi. At least if they have childs, Yoongi and Noe is there to help them too, that's what they think.

As for his feeling for every BTS member.. Taehyung already forgive them since a long time ago and forget about how they used to treat him. He's the one that help his ex member behind their back. He help to promote Hoseok's dance studio, he send Namjoon's music to someone that he know will love the music and getting Namjoon a job, he become the main sponsor for the theater that Jimin's join, he help to share Jungkook's painting to find a buyer. He even help found Sejin and bring him to work at CM Ent. LA. He did everything with the help of Louis and only Louis and Lucie know about this. He told Louis to do everything with an alias name so no one will know about it, even the media. Because he love his ex member and don't want them to suffer. He'll help until they can stand up with their own feet like Jin and Yoongi. He didn't care even if they never said sorry to him or tell him the reason behind their past actions, it's already in the past. He don't want to be the only one happy when his ex member suffering alone.

 He don't want to be the only one happy when his ex member suffering alone

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For Jimin.. He went to a small apartment that he bought a few years ago. He keep on going out at night and come back around 2 / 3 am, sometimes even when the sun already up. Until when his almost didn't have any money left, he decided to apply to a theater as a dancer. He join the contemporary dance, jazz, hip-hop and ballet. He got more more when the owner ask him to help teaching newbie a few months after he join the group. The owner already did a background check on Jimin and saw every Jimin's past performance, he believe in Jimin's talent and willing to give Jimin a chance here.

As for the reason behind his past action.. He actually jealous of how Taehyung can eat anything he want but didn't gain much weight, people also adore Taehyung's visual. To Yoongi, he's jealous because he know Yoongi love Taehyung. He's happy when Taehyung left the group, but that didn't make Yoongi to see him. He get angry and jealous when Yoongi often spent the night outside with his mysterious friend, that's why he yell at Yoongi and push him. He got more angry when he learnt that Yoongi's mysterious friend is actually Taehyung. He often go out to a bar and come back to the dorm around 2 / 3 am to laugh at himself, because until the end Yoongi never see him. Never see that Jimin actually love Yoongi and want Yoongi as his boyfriend.

 Never see that Jimin actually love Yoongi and want Yoongi as his boyfriend

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For Jungkook.. He bought an apartment and moved there. He lock himself and start drawing. His drawing is dark, depressing and give out a weird vibe. That's how he's for a few months. He post his draws on his art account that he just made. One day, he got noticed. Someone want to buy his drawing. So he decided to become a painter and also make a 4 panels comic online as his job. Jungkook use a pen name so no one know that's him. As time passed, he got many fans and request. People learn that it's Jungkook, but they're okay since they love his art and Jungkook's interaction with fans is good for the past years. After 4 years, Jungkook open a collaboration exhibition with a few other artists at Seoul. This make more people notice his talent. Jungkook finally can stand with his own feet, even without the help of any his hyungdeul.

In the past, Jungkook is actually start with just teasing Taehyung. He actually love the older male but things turn ugly when he notice his Yoongi hyung love Taehyung too. He start getting angry at every little thing Taehyung do to Yoongi. This is also the reason why he yell at Yoongi and punch him in the past. He still can't move on from Taehyung and blame it all to Yoongi. But everything is okay now. 5 years after BTS disbanding, Jungkook saw Jimin and they become friend again. Slowly, they fell in love and become boyfriend. They bought an apartment and live together at Seoul. They support each other and vow to never repeat their past actions again, to help each other and to protect each other.

 They support each other and vow to never repeat their past actions again, to help each other and to protect each other

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~ tbc

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