01 Newbie

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"I may look calm but in my head
I have killed you three times."


I was always satisfied with my life. Came from a fine family, great friends, and overall a good job. Little did i know, your presence will bring me a big twist in my life. The moment I met you, my life only then started.


"Yeona. I am officially jealous. You will definitely be promoted." Winter, my best friend plus colleague said, putting a spoon full of green salad into her mouth.

"Thank you first then." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

Manager Jong is leaving our company.
Well, who else other than me is more suitable to be the next manager.

"I think we should go," I told Winter, who is busy stuffing veggies into her small cherry mouth.

"O-okee." Winter said using her index finger to push the vegetables into her mouth.

"Okay attention please." Manager Jong clapped his hands twice grabbing everyone's attention.
Then we all gathered around him waiting for him to announce something... like the new manager? Me.

"As you all know, I'm leaving, so we need a new manager. This is Mr.Jeon, our new manager." Manager Jong announced.

Wait. What?

"Hello. I am Jeon Jungkook. Please take care of me."
A man at around the same age as I stepped out from the back and introduced himself.

I instantly frowned. Winter stole glances at me and tried to stop me from doing something stupid.

She knows me well.
How much I love doing impulsive things.
How competitive I am.

I removed Winter's grip from my hand and stepped out.

"Manager Jong? I don't think he can handle this job well. He is new here. I think he should start with the basic." I looked at Manager Jong with fire in my eyes. Winter at the back closed her eyes.

"Hmm... do you mean, you can do the job better, Yeona?" Manager asked me.

"Yes for sure."

He smiled a bit and nodded.

"Maybe, you two can compete for it."

I gave him a wtf face.

What The Fuck?

"Three rounds, who got more, who wins."

"But I—"

"Deal," Jungkook said quickly and smirked at me.

What's happening? Why wasn't i the new manager and I even needed to compete for it with someone that suddenly came out from nowhere? I hate my life. Fuck my life.

"It seems fun."
Jungkook stretched out his hand to me for a handshake.

"I will win."
I held his hand aggressively and we stared at each other.


"Look, I of course totally absolutely 100% support you girl, but don't you think that jungkook guy is kind of handsome?" Winter bites her lower lips and i show her a disgusted face.

"I don't fucking care if he's handsome or ugly. I have to win. I won't let him win. He doesn't deserve that place. What did he do? I have been working my lungs out waiting for today. And now he's here to ruin it."

"Calm down, Yeona."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Of course."
I rolled my eyes and held my head with my hands.
I don't care how or why you can come here.
It's about the actual strength. Who can handle this job well and who cannot.

Mr. Jung fucking kook sits on the opposite side of me. Which means i have to see him every day.

"Yeona and Jungkook. Please come to my office."
Manager Jong took his coffee and left for his office.

Jungkook and I had an awkward eye contact then we both stood up and followed him.
We went in and sat down.

"So, the first mission for the both of you is to design a proposal to promote our newest design. So this is the newest J&J 2019 autumn winter designs. Both of you have to come up with a proposal to sell this and present it next Wednesday. I will choose the best one to use. Who wins, who gets a point. Clear?"

We both nodded.

Great. Today was Friday. I only have a few days left to come up with a perfect proposal. It was also my time to show my talents though. I was good at selling things, i always have good ideas in my head.

"I can't be more excited about that."
Jungkook in a black suit said.

"Me too."
I smirked.

He leaned closer to my ears.

I admit that i flinched a bit. Calm down Yeona, look strong and calm. Good. I am not afraid of him.

"I will screw you up. Wait for it."
He said and smirked.

I frowned and felt my blood boiled.
The way he smirked and the narcissistic look he got made me felt extremely disgusted and uncomfortable.  Urgh. Disgusting.

"Piss off." I pushed him away and left.

Stay tuned Jeon Fucking Jungkook.
I will beat your ass.


Yeahhhh I'm so excited

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Yeahhhh I'm so excited.
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